The Portals To The Soul Of Man-Part Three

One of the most important truths to know in dealing with the devil is: he hates the Blood of Jesus Christ! In fact he hates many things, but he hates the shed blood of Christ more than anything else. Let’s look at a few reasons why he hates Christ’s blood before we proceed with the study on the portals of the soul of man.

The Blood was shed for our propitiation which means God’s anger or wrath against our sins has been satisfied. This is one legal hold over our souls that has been removed. (Romans 1:18, 3:25, and 5:9) The wrath of God was poured out on Jesus on the cross. Jesus bore the judgment for our sins.

The Blood gives us remission or release from the power of sin. The law of sin and death no longer applies to believers in Christ. This means that sin no longer has authority over us. It is another legal hold over our souls removed. (Hebrews 9:22,26)

The Blood justifies or declares us righteous. Jesus was the only human who by His own merit has been righteous and without sin. He took our sins to the cross and he gave His righteousness to us. It is another legal hold over our souls removed. (Romans 3:21-25, II Corinthians 5:21)

The Blood reconciles us to God or brings us from being enemies of God to being in friendship and fellowship with God. He called Abraham his friend because they had fellowship with one another. We can have direct access to God’s fellowship with the Blood of Christ. Another legal hold over our souls removed. (Romans 5:6-11, Ephesians 2:11-22)

The Blood redeems or releases us on the receipt of a ransom. We were sold into slavery by Adam, giving Satan legal rights over our souls. Poverty, sickness, bondage and death are all of the darkness that is outside of the Garden of Eden. None of these things were inside the Garden. Jesus became a curse for us, nailing all of our trespasses to the cross, paying the ransom to Satan and redeeming our souls. The life of the soul is in the blood and only the righteous Blood of Christ could pay that kind of ransom price. He has come to give us abundant life. Another legal hold over our lives removed. (I Peter 1:17-19, 2:24, Exodus 15:26, Psalms 103:1, Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 8:16-17, Galations 3:13-14, Revelation 1:5,6,17-19, Hebrews 13:20)

When we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior, He washes away our sins as though we never sinned, and applies His Blood to the doors, windows and walls of our souls. The death angel, nor any other demon of Satan, has no authority over us when we are under the Blood.

Sin separates us from God, makes us feel guilty, brings shame and condemnation, and allows Satan to accuse us, demanding the death penalty. The Blood of Christ pays that penalty and restores us in fellowship with our Father. The Blood of Christ cleanses us from guilt and shame. The Blood of Christ gives us boldness to enter into the Presence of God before His throne. The Blood of Christ puts God on man’s side against the devil. The Blood of Christ dissolves all legal rights of ownership by Satan. When you are attacked by the enemy, you do not have to fear, when you understand that you are covered with the Blood of Christ. Satan hates the Blood of Christ more than anything else, as it has sealed his doom in the lake of fire for eternity.

How do you apply the blood to your life? When you come to Christ, and you ask Him for forgiveness and to be the Lord of your life, He automatically applies it to your life. Because we live in a fallen world of defilement, we become dirty in our spirits and souls, so we are taught to cleanse our souls with the washing of the water by the Word of God. The book of Revelation says that we overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and our testimony. We confess the promises of His Word in agreement with our situation, as we ask Him to cover our souls with His Blood. This releases His High Priestly authority to protect us as He sends His angels to minister on our behalf. Confession in Christ as your Lord and Savior, obedience to His Word, agreement with His Word in prayer, praying in the Holy Spirit all enforce the application of His Blood over our lives.

One example of applying the Blood of Christ would be a prayer for Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people as directed by the Lord.

“Father, I ask that you remember the promise of your Word to bless Israel with restoration and the revelation of you as their Messiah. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem in agreement with your Word. I ask that you cover the Jewish people with your Blood of Redemption and surround them with your flaming angels of fire, keeping them from their enemies until you return to them as their King. You promised Abraham and his descendants that you would bless them above all other nations, and that you would reign in Jerusalem as King. You also promised to bless those who bless Israel. I agree with your Word, and you said that it would be done. I ask for this, and thank you for hearing me, in Jesus Name.”

You can do the same for you and your loved ones each day and anytime that you feel you need His protection. When I see the Blood, I will pass over you, is just as effective today as it was for Moses. The devil hates the Blood of Christ and cannot penetrate it.

Now, with that understanding about our position in Christ, lets look at some of the doors or portals that allow the enemy to intrude on our souls and bodies.

Sin is simply disobedience to God. There is a general sin, a sexual sin and a spiritual sin. General sins could be overeating, alcohol or drug abuse, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, gossip, slander, or criticism, worry, greed, lying, deception, or stealing, among many others.

Let’s deal with a couple of major doors first.

The Door of Unforgiveness:
Forgiveness is very important because Satan is our accuser. We owe a great debt to Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. We have asked God to forgive us of our heavy debt, based on the redeeming power of Christ’s shed Blood. When we hold grudges against people who owe us so much less, then Satan is right in the face of God demanding justice, saying we are guilty and therefore we belong to his kingdom.

Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer that we receive forgiveness as we forgive those who trespass against us. In other words, we cannot be forgiven by God for our sins, if we are unwilling to forgive others of their sins against us. When we refuse to forgive, we curse ourselves and forfeit the blessings of God. (Mark 11:25)

You are required to forgive, but it is important to understand that forgiveness is not trust. You are not asked to trust that individual again. It could be extremely foolish to trust an enemy who has wronged you. Another thing to remember is that forgiving your enemy does not mean feeling good about your enemy. Nor does it mean that you must stay in a relationship with them.

In the case of physical abuse, I believe the abused party should run while they are able! You can forgive from a distance. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a decision. You are not saying the party is right when you forgive them. You are not saying that they should not be punished. You are saying that it is not your place to judge them, nor to punish them. God is their judge. Your forgiveness is just forgiving them for hurting you or for doing you wrong, and allowing God to take care of them in His own way and time. And God is just and knows exactly how to administer discipline.

The Door of Sexual Sin:
Some people have had sexual sins committed against them, and some have committed their own sexual sins. Natural sexual sins are those committed between two consenting people of the opposite sex, outside the boundaries of marriage. A natural desire, though sinful, is one that does not violate the femininity, masculinity, or humanity of either party. When a man desires a woman, he flows with the natural desire. When a woman desires a man, she flows with a natural desire. They both are functioning within their god-given sexual boundaries. God’s rules are evidenced in our conscience and in our bodies that men are made for women and women are made for men. It is natural, but it is cursed outside of marriage. We always pay a price in our souls and in our bodies for disobedience to God’s Word.

Sex is more than two bodies coming together. It is literally a mystical entering into a union and contract with the other person. For this reason, Paul wrote the following to the Corinthians. I Corinthians 6:15-18 “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

The Bible also says that a believer is not to join with an unbeliever. In doing so, you are joining a temple of God with a temple of Satan. Light and Darkness do not mix. The light is there to drive out the darkness. Jesus said that if your eye be single, your whole body is full of light. By joining with unbelievers, you are putting out your light and joining the darkness. II Corinthians 6:14 ESV, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”

God says that sexual sin joins two. The joining makes the participants one. This oneness allows for a transference of evil spirits between the two. This means that the evil spirits of one person can freely enter the other person. Then Paul says that the person who commits sexual sin, does so against his own body. We know that unlawful sex can expose one to STDs. Unlawful sex also exposes one to spiritual diseases, or demons. Our society is filled with fornicators and adulterers. This behavior opens doors to demons of lust, adultery, fornication, pornography, exhibitionism, homosexuality, promiscuity, and even emotional infidelity. It can also open doors to demons trying to have sex with you. Yes, this is a reality. Check out some testimonies of former Occult members.

The Door of Unnatural Sexual Sins:
Unnatural sexual sins are those forbidden by God between members of the same sex, or having sex with family members or with animals. Whoever does these things brings upon themselves a terrible curse. Romans 1:18-27 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.”

The body itself testifies that sex is created for gender opposites. When a person partakes of having sex with the same sex, they willingly submit themselves to powerful demons of confusion. They lose their ability of perceiving Truth and Purity in Christ. These demons over time will seek to destroy the female’s femininity and the male’s masculinity. The devil hates man who is made in the image of God, and will do anything to destroy this image.

In Leviticus chapter 18:1-29, God lists many sexual relationships that are prohibited. Take time to read through this list and see how God feels about unnatural sexual relationships. Many of these things He calls an abomination. The word abomination in Hebrew means abhorrent to God, or that which is considered unclean and used by the pagan nations as a form of idolatry. In other words, God hates it and destroys nations because of it. Could this be one of the reasons that America is heading down a path of destruction? She has removed God, has taught her children how to entertain the Occult, has endorsed sins that God hates, has begun to turn her back on Israel, and has instituted laws that make her citizens foreigners. Will she be a nation who will reap horrific judgement in the end times?

We will go on to other doors in the next study, but let me say this, I believe that many sexual sins started with the ‘Watchers’ of Noah’s Day who left the boundaries of heaven to have sexual relationships with women, men, and animals. Jesus said that as the Days of Noah were, so shall also be the coming of the Son of Man. Revelation speaks of demons being loosed from the abyss to torment men for five months. The abyss is where the angels of Noah’s Day are being kept in prison because of their sexual sins with mankind in Noah’s Day.

Think about it. You do not know where your sexual partner has been nor with whom they have slept with before you. You do not know if that person has visited a psychic or witch or participated in many other things associated with the Occult. If they have demons attached to their souls, you now have joined an emotional and physical soul-tie with that person. This allows those demons to transfer their attachments to your soul. Why would anyone want to sleep with the devil? The deeper the degradation of the person, the more powerful the demonic strongholds in their life. The more you become involved with that person, the deeper those strongholds will become in your own life.

Please go back to previous studies and use the listed confessions to ask God for forgiveness and deliverance from all demonic strongholds. Click here for the list of confessions-The Tongue of Man-Part Five

Sexual sins are very much accepted by man today, and they are blatantly displayed on the television screen nightly for even our children to absorb, but think about where the abuse started. Could demons be why God so opposes the misuse of the sex drive? Demons somehow derive their energy (think New Age terms) from the blood of man, and from the sexual fluids of men and women. They use these sexual and blood energies to gain power over man and to play with their genetics. There were hybrids mentioned in most ancient writings, and there will be some strange things on earth and in the heavens during the last seven years of time. Food for thought.

Click here for The Portals To The Soul Of Man-Part Four

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