The Portal To The Soul Of Man-Part Four

We have been discussing portals to the soul and the need to guard what comes out of our mouth, and what goes in through the sense gates. The Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness battle for the souls of man in the invisible world around us. The world is busy with dark confessions and we see the result as the imaginations of man becoming continually evil bringing violence against one another, just like it was in the days of Noah. As believers in Christ’s Redemptive Blood, we need to escalate the confessions of light to offset the decay of our world. We need to learn how to use the spiritual weapons He has given us to tear down strongholds which the enemy is building in the minds of men, women and children around the world; strongholds of hate and disobedience toward God, His Son, His Word, and His people.

Man is spirit, soul, and body. He has many ‘gates’ ‘doors’ or ‘portals’ to take in information about the world around him. Since we live on enemy territory, since this territory is ruled by Satan, and is populated by demons, we need to be alert as to what is being put into our minds and hearts via the world system of communication. There is a vital need to filter that which we hear, see and sense, to be able to discard anything that is contrary to God’s Kingdom of Light. I for one have been asleep, then I started researching into the days of Adam and Noah. I found from the Bible and other ancient writings some amazing things about the spirit world of their days, and had a Eureka moment, saying this explains so many mysterious happenings down through the history of mankind. I never fully understood about Noah’s Day before, but now they are perfectly clear. I look at the world of man in a whole new way now, understanding why there is so much suffering and oppression in the world around me. I encourage you to take time to read some of my recent posts about these days, and the posts about the confessions of our tongues. The Tongue Of Man-Part One

We looked at the doors of unforgiveness, sexual sins, and unnatural sexual sins in the previous post. These are major openings for demons to enter and attach themselves to the soul of man. There is a power or energy, which demons draw from the blood of man. Blood is always used in sacrifices to the devil, and many times involves the blood of babies, children or teenagers. (How many missing kids are associated with the Occult?) This explains the haunted places where an unnatural or violent death has occurred. God told us that the life of the flesh is in the blood, and not to eat the meat with the blood. It took the Blood of Christ to redeem man back from the devil. Blood is sacred to God, and any misuse of it reaps His judgement.

Demons also draw energy or power from the sexual fluids of men and women. This explains the experiences of Incubus, and Succubus. Check out testimonies from former Occultists. There have been movies made about these things. (Check out these two books; ‘Hostage to the Devil’ by Malachi Martin—‘The Rise And Fall Of The Nephilim’ by Scott Alan Roberts.) It has something to do with the DNA of man and the hybrid creatures of Noah’s Day. It seems the devil is trying to find the secret to creating a better man than God created. UFOs and Alien abductions, vampires, werewolves, all take on new meaning when you see them through the eyes of Noah’s Days. Jesus told us that the last days would be as the Days of Noah.

There is a very real invisible world around us that is scary and full of hostility toward man. Just like in a war, we need to understand more about our enemy to be able to know how to defend ourselves against his attacks. So lets look at a few more doors that the devil uses to gain access to our souls.

The Door of Emotional Trauma:
Demons are extremely opportunistic. They go for the weakest area of a man’s soul. When a person goes through any kind of emotional trauma, they are at their weakest in regards to being able to correctly discern what they are thinking or feeling. Demons watch for these opportunities to attach themselves to the hurt. If a person has been sexually assaulted, or abused, they are vulnerable to demonic attachment. They need lots of prayer, encouragement and support by loved ones to avoid damage and bondage. Many times those who have been sexually violated find they act out of character, and won’t be able to say ‘No’ to sexual advances afterwards. Humiliating, shameful, hurtful experiences before other people, horrible accidents, violent weather, war, sudden death of loved ones, and many other traumatic events of life can be doors of opportunity for the devil to bring damage to a soul. Think of all the harsh, violent, traumatic experiences that some people have to go through in this life. Each time we hear of someone who has gone through such an event, we need to ask God to send His angels of healing and protection to minister to these souls.

The Door of False Religion and The Occult:
I am going to combine these two doors, as they are closely related and interconnected. When you have one, you usually have connection to the other door also. These sins are like a magnet that draws demons to one’s soul quickly. God told us, “Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” Deuteronomy 5:9 God hates false religion and Witchcraft, and looks at those who participate in them as though they hate Him. It is possible for these demonic attachments to transfer from generation to generation, explaining why there seems to be a pattern of sinful behavior in certain families, especially those who harbor anger and hatred toward their Creator.

These two sins seem to erase your natural moral standards quicker than any others. These sins attract strong demons of delusion and unbelief. A demon of lust, greed or pride may never aggressively work to overthrow the faith of a man, but the demons associated with false religion and Witchcraft destroy your belief that Jesus Christ is God in flesh and that Christ is the only means of redemption for the soul.

False religion is any religion that denies any of the foundational truths of the Bible. They include denials that:

-Jesus Christ is eternal
-Jesus Christ physically came to earth
-Jesus Christ was born of a virgin
-Jesus Christ lived a sinless life
-humanity is inherently sinful
-Jesus Christ died for our sins
-Jesus Christ arose from the dead
-salvation comes only through Jesus Christ
-Jesus Christ hates sin more than the sinner
-that hell is a literal place of everlasting torment
-Jesus Christ is God manifested in flesh
-that the Bible is the Word of God
-that the Blood of Christ redeems us from Satan
-that Satan is a real evil being
-that man’s soul and spirit lives for eternity
-that man dies once and after this the judgement

A person is not a Christian simply by saying they are one. The foundation must be true to the Word of God. Jesus said that there would be false prophets dressed in sheep’s clothing, but they would be wolves inside.

Any preacher, teacher, or doctrine that causes a person to depart from the Faith as presented by Jesus and His Apostles, is false. Anti-Christian belief will be followed by anti-Christian behavior.

There are many cults around us who deny the above foundational truths of God’s Word. There are also many groups who have Occult New Age teachings interspersed throughout their belief systems. John taught us to test or try the spirits to see where they come from. God or Satan are the only two sources for spiritual knowledge. God will always agree with His Word. Satan will always add to or take away from God’s Word, just like he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden. The devil quotes Scripture better than anyone else, but you better know your Bible, because he always changes the wording to fit his agenda.

The Door of the Occult is really the door of Witchcraft:
I personally dealt with Witchcraft in Africa. I saw Medicine Doctors in every village, and their herbs and plants in every market. I saw amulets and charms worn by children and adults throughout the five nations that I preached. I felt the oppressive darkness from the demons everywhere I went. I saw the Baobab trees, and certain mountains where the spirits of the ancestors were suppose to reside. It was an eerie world of misplaced confessions.

I had a Witch Doctor curse a root that one of my enemies had taken to him. This cursed root was to be placed in my home without me knowing it. Fortunately, I was praying that day at my chair, and heard God tell me not to allow this man into my house. When he arrived at the house, I refused him entry. A week later another preacher came to visit me, telling me how he had ridden the bus with this man, and how my enemy talked about the curse that he was going to place in my house. God protected me without me knowing anything about what was going on in this person’s mind or behavior. The spiritual world is real and God is greater than the demons of the dark kingdom. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not grow old or feeble. He knows all and has all power. We just have to make the right confessions to Him to unlock His voice into our spiritual ears.

God speaks to us in different ways. He uses His Holy Spirit, the Bible, people, circumstances, thoughts, impressions, dreams, visions, angels, and His audible voice. Whichever way He chooses to speak, it always fits these criteria:

-it will always recognize the sinfulness of humanity
-it will always recognize Jesus Christ as the one true God and savior of the world
-it will always recognize that the Blood of Jesus Christ is the only means to cleanse man from his sins
-it will always recognize the Bible as the only written communication we have from God

God never contradicts Himself or His Word.

Did you know that Satan and his demons can perform miracles? Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh demanding the release of the children of Israel. They used a rod to perform several miracles. Surprisingly the demonized magicians of Pharaoh duplicated several of the miracles. Rest assured that their miraculous ability is limited, as they could only duplicate the first few of the miracles performed by Moses. God is all powerful and the devil is a limited creation.

Satan, as Lucifer, was above all other angels in heaven. He was the covering cherub for God’s throne. He was more talented than all other angels in the arts, especially music, as he led the heavenly choir in worship to God. When he rebelled and was cast out of heaven, he became known as Satan and lost his light, but he did not lose his gifts. He still inspires musicians and Hollywood stars to this day, including Bob Dylan, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson among many others. He still retains a certain degree of creative ability. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance, meaning that when God gives a gift, He doesn’t take it back. This explains why many stars start out in church singing and performing for God’s glory and than sell out to fame, money, and power, as they leave the church and use their talents for the devil. They literally sell their souls to the devil in exchange for their fame and riches. They most always die a horrible premature death. The downside is this, the devil always takes back the gifts he gives, and he takes them back with very high interest. There are no concerts in hell.

Even in the Book of Revelation, John tells us about demonic forces using miraculous signs and wonders to deceive people. The only way to escape his deception is through knowing the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word. This is why the New Age teachings about angel-guides are so dangerous, because they are not God’s angels, they are demons from hell. Test the spirits to see whether they come from your Heavenly Father or from your earthy father. Yahweh or Satan.

Click here for The Portal To The Soul Of Man-Part Five

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