Jesus Christ is God

my yoke is easy

Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh for the purpose of reconciling the world unto the Father. He loves each and every soul and desires that not one perishes. He taught us that the way to stay in His protective hand is by obeying His teachings and turning away from that which is displeasing to Him. His Words are Spirit and Life and bring Faith to all who read them and listen to them and apply them to their hearts in belief and behavior.

He is as near to you as the words of your mouth. His Spirit is poured out upon all who believe, as the Holy Spirit with Power. If you confess with your mouth your belief in Him that is in your heart, you will find Him, for He is not far from any one of us if we feel after Him with all our hearts. We live and move and have our being in Him and there is no place that we can go to escape His Presence and knowledge. His Love continually reaches for us no matter what sins we have done. He only asks that we quit those things that displease Him; to make it possible for His pureness and Holiness to make us righteous by His shed Blood and restore us to fellowship with Him.

Shame and guilt are used by Satan to keep you away from God, telling you that you have sinned and there is no way that God can forgive you. The devil is a liar and father of it. God is only convicting you in your conscience to let you know that what you are doing is displeasing to His character. He just wants you to acknowledge your sins and to be honest with Him. After all, He knows all about your sins anyway; as He is God with all knowledge and sees all that we do and think. Just ask Him to forgive you and give you strength to change your behavior to that which pleases Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light; and His Spirit brings liberty and peace as we yield ourselves to Him, moment by moment.

There is no man who has not sinned in one way or another. He understands our weak flesh and its carnal desires for the things of this world. The world lies in darkness and is ruled by the god of this world, Satan; but God’s Kingdom is from above and is full of love, forgiveness, light and truth. You just have to ask for His forgiveness and His power to change the old man into a new creature in Him.

Forget all the lies about Him today telling us that He is nothing more than a great teacher. Open your mouth and ask Him to save you today. He is coming back soon, to take those who belong to Him. Will you be ready?

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