Priestly Blessings

priest blessing

Priests in the Old Testament were a special group of people. The New Testament teaches us that, as believers, we all are called to be priests unto our God ~ A Royal Priesthood. (I Peter 2:9)

The tribe of Levi was designated by God to be the Levitical Priesthood forever. Aaron and his four sons served as the first priests. Aaron served as the first High Priest. Aaron was the brother to Moses, of the tribe of Levi. All of Israel descended from the twelve sons of Jacob. Jacob’s third son was Levi. Aaron was a descendant of Levi.

“For the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes, to stand to serve in the name of the Lord, him and his sons forever.” (Deut. 18:5)

“And you, separate your brother Aaron and his sons from among the Israelites, and bring them close to you… so they can serve me.” (Ex. 28:1)

“The priest must be holy to his God. You must keep him holy, for he presents the offering to your God… He must be holy, for I am God – I am holy and I am making you holy” (Lev. 21).

God is Holy, and separated from anything impure. He is surrounded by angels of purity and obedience. God ordained special laws which guided the lives of the priests. The priests were to live lives that were different from other men. A life that was totally dedicated, or separated, as servants of the Lord and custodians of His service. They were to be the ones who presented the offerings of Israel to their God.

Israel tried to keep the Law, but constantly failed to live up to the righteousness of the Law. God knew this would happen, so He made provisions for the forgiveness of Israel’s sin by a system of sacrifices. The more serious the sin, the bigger and more costly the sacrifice required to forgive that sin. Every sin, big or small, required a payment, sometimes with the life blood of an animal, and sometimes with their own blood.

Israel couldn’t bring this offering to their God themselves. They needed a mediator between them and their God. This was the High Priest and the Levitical Priesthood. The Priests took the offering from the Israelite and dedicated it to Yahweh as a sacrifice for their sin. God accepted the sacrifice and the Israelite was forgiven, until he sinned again, at which time he brought another sacrifice. This is why the Law was a schoolmaster directing us to Christ. Christ is the only one who ever kept the whole law without sinning. He is the only one who can forgive us for eternity. He is our High Priest who always makes intercession by the Power of His Blood before the Father for our daily sins.

This process required the Levitical Priests to keep themselves separated from ordinary lifestyles. They had to maintain a certain holiness to be able to minister in the Holy Tabernacle of God for the people. As a reward from Yahweh for their separation, they were allowed to partake of a portion of the offerings that were being offered to God. They were provided for with land and living quarters. All of this emphasized their holy office, to perform holy duties, to a Holy God, in a holy Tabernacle, for the purpose of attaining Holiness for Israel and enabling a Holy God to dwell in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle among His people.

One of the most important functions of the priests, out of all the services provided for the people, was the Blessing.

The priests served as a conduit to bring down God’s radiant blessing and influence into Israel.

Numbers 6:22-26, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with this special blessing:”

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.”

“May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.”

“May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.”

The sages of the Midrash interpret these words to mean that it is God who stands behind the priests as they deliver His blessing. The illumination of His Presence shines through their hands, which are outstretched as they utter the priestly blessing.

    In other words, Yahweh, who is a Spirit and light, was standing behind the priest as he was saying this blessing upon the people. The light of God’s Holiness radiated through the hands of the priests out onto the people, as His Presence permeated the words of the blessing!

Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John. The face of Christ shown like the Sun. His clothes became white as light. It was so powerful and glorious that the disciples wanted to build three tabernacles, one for Moses, one for Elijah and one for Christ. Then a bright cloud covered them and Yahweh spoke; “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”

You and I, as believers in Christ as the Son of God and as the only way to the Father, have become a spiritual group of priests. We are to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise continually to our God for all that He blesses us with in Jesus Christ, especially for the hope of His soon coming to receive us to be with Him for eternity.

If believers in Christ are to be priests with Christ in offering up praises and worship to God, as well as to make prayers and intercessions for others, shouldn’t we also be offering blessings to those around us and for those we pray for?

god bless you

How nice it is to hear someone say to you – “God Bless You!”. How does that make you feel? Good? Yes, very good! So maybe we should be saying it more often. God Bless you! God Bless you! God Bless you!

Then, when we pray, “Father, Bless so and so with your healing, with your financial provisions, with your guidance and wisdom, with your salvation, with your restoration, with your anointing to break every yoke in their life, with peace and comfort, with your spiritual understanding, with your protection and deliverance,” etc, etc., maybe we should take it a step further as priests and say, “Father I receive the authority of your priesthood with Jesus Christ. As heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, as sitting in heavenly places with Christ, I speak blessings on so and so now in the Name of Jesus Christ.”

Wouldn’t it be great if believers really believed in what Jesus says about them, and began to separate themselves to His service in imparting blessings to others by their words and prayers? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if believers really believed that when they spoke into the spirit world to their Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, that those words were indeed anointed with the power of a Holy God to bring results for those we were praying for?

The issues of life come forth from the heart. The mouth speaks what the heart believes. The words carry blessings or curses into the ears of the hearers. Those blessings are empowered by God’s Holy Spirit and Holy angels. Those cursings are empowered by the devil and his evil angels.

The Apostle John teaches us that we can influence God to give eternal life to others when we pray for them. There is a spiritual power in our words, especially when we dedicate ourselves to being a channel for God’s blessings to others.

Isn’t this what the devil is doing with those who practice meditations and chants daily around the world to false Christs?

John says we should use this priesthood authority to bless others with blessings, now and for eternity.

I John 5:16, “If you see a Christian brother or sister sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and God will give that person life.”

jesus blessing jairus daughter

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