No Substitute for God’s Fellowship

he that dwelleth in the secret place

‘Fellowship’ is a word meaning friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interests. In the church world we used this word for those church members or ministers who were in good standing with the local congregation or with the organization.

Fellowship also goes on in a similar way in my neighborhood, or at a school, or at work. We are constantly seeking those with whom we can be in good standing with wherever we go. Man cries out for acceptance and fulfillment.

For example, on the road where I live, there are 18 houses. While I know the names of several of the people living in these houses, I do not know everyone’s name. There are others whom I have personally interacted with for different reasons, but have no ongoing communications with them. Still others, I know some details about their lives, as where they work, what cars they drive, how many in their family, etc. Then there are those who I see when I am out mowing the yard, and stop from to time to time to chat for a few minutes. Then there are those who I call if I need to inquire about who to use as a contractor for a particular project.

I call them all my neighbors. I will wave at all of them. I am acquainted with some of them. I know a few of them personally. A few of them I am comfortable chatting with about everyday happenings. A few of them I trust with watching over my house and belongings. I could say all of them are in good fellowship, or in good standing, with me as a neighbor;, but it doesn’t mean that I have a friendly association with all of them on the same level.

People tend to seek out those who hold the same values and interests in life as they do. We can know a lot of people and be acquainted with a few of them; but when it comes to fellowshipping, the number dwindles down to usually one or two whom we care to spend any amount of time with on a regular basis.

This is because each of us is created unique. That means that God didn’t make anyone else like you or me. This is why we are so disappointed with so many friendships and acquaintances. God made you, and He made me, for fellowship with Him above all others. When we seek others to replace that which only God can give us, then it never leaves us satisfied. It leaves us constantly seeking for that acceptance and fulfillment from others; but which only God our Creator can supply.

So when we seek fellowship, we need to seek it with this understanding. I can be acquainted with any number of people. I can accept many of them as in good standing. A few I can trust with my house. One or two or three I may trust with the cares of my fleshly heart. But there is only one I can trust with my spirit-heart; and that is Jesus Christ.

Herein lies the problem. We seek others, above God, for acceptance and fulfillment. Then, we seek others to accept the innermost feelings and beliefs of our hearts. Only Christ can give that which is spiritual to a spiritual heart. People can supply some things of the natural heart, but your spirit-heart has to touch the heart of Christ to find its completeness and fulfillment. Nothing else will satisfy.

heart of flesh and spirit

There is a disconnection of the fleshly heart of man from the spirit-heart of man. It creates a ‘dis-ease’ between the two hearts. The fleshly heart seeks the things of this life to give it completeness; when the only things that will complete it are the spiritual things of God’s Kingdom.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

The world and the flesh say seek the things of this life first, accumulate knowledge and things, be happy, don’t worry, eat, drink, for tomorrow we die. Seek out people who will affirm and agree with you. Build your own little kingdom.

fellowship with Christ

Christ says to seek Him first and He will add all other needed things for this life. His Kingdom is full of peace, joy and right-living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

When you walk in good standing with Christ, you receive meaning and self-fulfillment in His Presence, for eternity. The things of this life become temporary and less important. Trying to find another human being who understands and accepts you is nice, but not a prerequisite. You can be all alone, without a friend in the world, and still be able to sing praises to your God.

There’s no substitute for God’s Fellowship. I challenge you to set aside 15 to 20 minutes each day and ask Him to forgive, bless and guide you as you read and study His Word. Try it and see if your desires in life don’t start to change toward the heavenlies.

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