Jesus Christ Is The Only Anchor In The Lost Sea of Humanity

If you look at the multitudes of people inhabiting this planet as seas of people, you can then visualize that those seas are becoming more and more violent each day. It doesn’t matter what location on the globe, the waves are reaching higher and crashing with greater force as each day goes by. The anchors of our individual lives are being ripped from the depths of our souls, and setting us afloat into a world of chaos and disaster.

Every public office has been infiltrated with sexual immorality and unethical practices. Godless, selfish, immoral, fraudulent, deceitful, outright liars, hypocrites, greedy, prideful and arrogant are just a few words that describe our public leaders.

Anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-Israel, anti-life for babies, anti-morals, have led America and the world into rendition, torture, rape of innocent women and children, genocide and persecution of Christians, abuse of power; leaving every man, woman, and child, no matter what their national or cultural identity, without an anchor of a stable and safe future.

There is a total loss of respect for others, with their property, values, beliefs, and lives all meaning nothing to those who have given themselves over to the ‘It’s all about me” mentality.

It all stems from a lack of respect for God as our Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ, as our only way to our Heavenly Father.

We have taken God out of Government, the justice system, schools, workplaces, and everything that we can, to substitute every immoral and unethical behavior in His rightful place as God of our lives. We have done all of this by listening to the minority of our population trying to convince the majority that there is no God and that the True Christ is nothing but a good, moral teacher, while failing to adhere to Christ’s moral standards. Every man’s ways are right in his own eyes. That which is good we call evil and that which is evil we call good. (Isaiah 5:20) “What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.”

The fool says there is no God. The rebellious says they are their own Saviour. The anchors are being ripped from the foundations of our forefathers; and without a firm foundation, our individual worlds are built on nothing but sand. The storm is coming that will wash it all away, then what will we be left with?

Persecution is coming to America for all those who believe that Jesus Christ is the only anchor in the lost sea of humanity. Will you be strong enough to take a stand for Christ against the threat of imprisonment and or torture?

Jesus said in John 15:18, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.”

Why did the world hate Jesus? Because Jesus told them the Truth. The truth that resides in the teachings of the Law and the Prophets, given by God His Father. Those teachings which He, Himself, fulfilled to the letter of the Law, so that you and I could be freely justified sinless through His Blood to stand before a Holy, sinless God. These teachings of Truth are written in the pages of the Holy Bible.

They hate those who believe in Him, because they declare that the Bible is the Truth embodied by Jesus Christ as the only way to obtain eternal life, and see the Father of all Creation.

Today, the world’s message is ‘whatever you believe is right’ and ‘there are many ways to eternity’. But Islam says their God demands that you serve him, or else. If you don’t comply, you die a horrible death. This message is coming to our country, with its open borders and a president who makes his own laws.. If the world has forsaken the True God, how will they stand before radical Islam? If the church is asleep with the cares of this world, how will they be able to stand against radical Islam?

Truly believers in Christ are the Laodicean church of Revelation 3:14, neither hot nor cold and in danger of God spewing us out of His mouth. If America is going to be spared judgment, then the believers in God, that make up the majority of our nation, need to arise out of their comfort zones and go down on their knees, asking God for forgiveness for ourselves and for our nation, as well as for the world; because we are replacing Him with idols of our own making.

We have allowed too many other things entering in to choke the good seed of the Gospel from producing fruit in our lives. Think of all the distractions that our busy world offers us today, all in the name of necessity, comfort and entertainment; and all in the mindset that we deserves these things. Then think about how little time we spend giving thanks to the God who gives our daily breath to be able to enjoy all these things.

two wolves

The Cherokee say the wolf that is fed is the one who prevails. What are we feeding? The things of this life matter little in comparison to the things of eternity. Jesus said we can have our barns full but lose our own souls for eternity. (Luke 12:18-21)

II Chronicles 7:14, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

Yahweh gave authority of this earth to Adam. Adam disobeyed God, thus giving the authority to the devil. Satan is the god of this world and rules the nations of the world with his puppets. Even when some of the world leaders confess their belief in God, most are serving their own political agendas for self-aggrandizement. Satan offered these nations to Jesus if He would only worship the devil. Jesus refused to worship anyone but His Father.

You and I need to rise up to the challenge of God’s enemies, and declare with a loud voice of faith that Jesus Christ is the only one who can forgive us and heal our broken souls, giving us access to His Father and eternal life of peace with Him.

Have you made your peace with your Creator? Do you have a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Whether you do or don’t, now is the time to ask Him to renew your relationship with Him to a deeper level > rock level. Only by building the eternal house of your soul in the Rock of Jesus Christ, will you be able to draw strength from Him when the storm arrives at the shores of your life.

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and He will return very soon to set up His Kingdom in Jerusalem. Will you be ready for the Rapture, which will take place several years before this event? Wake up! The Day is far spent and the night is upon us, when no man shall be able to work.

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