Sons and Daughters of God are Led by The Spirit of God

Jesus is our perfect example of a Son being led by His Father. What He saw His Father do, that Jesus did also. What He heard His Father say, that is what Jesus also said. He and His Father were one. Jesus dwelt in His Father. His Father dwelt in Jesus.

“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14)

Jesus was led by His Father which is a Spirit which is Holy. Paul says those who are called to be Sons of God or Disciples of Christ are also to be led by God’s Holy Spirit. Being led by the Spirit is a signpost that we are Sons of God.

There are continually two spirit-worlds around us.

  • God and His holy angels.
  • Satan and his evil angels and demonic spirits.

What we think, imagine, feel, speak, and do, gives off energy to the spirit world.

Our spirits flow in our blood for ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood’. The spirit part of the soul is in the blood. The human spirit is the breath of God which gives life to the soul, making it a living soul.

When the body dies, the soul leaves the body. The soul is clothed with a spiritual body which is the human spirit. This departing spirit clothed soul will either radiate God’s Holy Light, and be drawn to God’s Light, or it will lack any radiation at all and be clothed with darkness, and be drawn to the darkness. Satan is the god of darkness. God is the God of Light. Think of those around you, those on television. Where do you think they are heading? Are they radiating light or darkness? What is the fruit coming from their mouths and what is the spirit behind their words?

We are spirit, soul, and body. The secular world has convinced us to live for the body by the strong will of the soul. I can become my own god by disciplining my mind to rule my body. I can be my own god. However, this is against Scripture. The Apostle Paul said the things he desired to do, those he didn’t do. The things he didn’t want to do, those he did. He referred to the body as a body of death. It is corrupt from the sin of Adam and Eve. All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (See Romans chapters 3 and 7)

The New Birth is the only means of making our carnal spirit man alive again. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit throughout the Book of Acts empowered the Apostles and believers to live supernaturally. Their spirits were empowered by the Holy Spirit ruling their soul and transforming it into the mind of Christ. The transformed soul thinks thoughts according to the Words of God which are Spirit filled and full of eternal life. The transformed soul submits itself to the Holy Spirit now dwelling in our Born Again spirit, thus bringing every thought into subjection to the knowledge of Christ.

This in turn takes control of the carnal fleshly body and causes it to fast, pray, read God’s Word, say words of blessing, do works of light, fellowship with believers of light, instead of seeking out deeds done under the cover of darkness, and hanging out with doers of darkness.

Darkness will destroy the soul and bring destruction to the body of flesh. Think about some people you see at the store and how rough and hard they look. The weight of sin on their hearts is overwhelming, but they cling to it thinking that one more smoke or one more drink, or one more hit will make it all right. If I can just practice this course on enlightenment, I will release the god in me. They are blinded by the god of darkness that rules this world.

Jesus said the words that we speak come from the heart and these words defiles us. Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony and slander bring defilement to us as Temples of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 15:18-19)

Our words in the spiritual world can bless or they can curse. The spirit world around us is filled with spirit beings of darkness who serve Satan’s orders. The devil steals, kills and destroys.

Look at all the suffering in this world. Poverty, violence, abuse, addictions, terrorists, wars, sickness, disease, broken relationships, broken lives, homelessness, persecution, fraud, corruption in leaders, lack of morals, perversion, lawlessness, lack of respect for parents, for children and for the elderly, abortion of babies, rape, unnatural affections, deceit, theft, arrogance, anger, selfishness, entitlement, and the list goes on.  These all come from darkness. They all come from the devil and his demons.

When we think thoughts of darkness, imagining these types of behavior, we eventually will express via words and actions what we are thinking, what we are imagining, and what we are feeling. When we do, those words that agree with the darkness and its ruler, give energy to the devil to use against us and others.

When we think thoughts in accordance with the Word of God and the character of Christ, we will express words that bless those around us. We give energy to Christ who releases His holy angels to minister to our needs, and to the needs of others.

Anger is a perfect example. The Bible says we can have a righteous anger and not sin. Jesus demonstrated the righteous anger in the temple when He drove out the money-changers, He was righteously angry over His Father’s house being made a den of thieves. He sinned not. God wants us to have righteous anger toward all that defiles His holy character. Christians need to speak up and take their stand for what is right and truth before God.

Jesus also said when we are angry at our brother without cause we are in danger of the judgment ourselves. Paul says to be angry without sin, by repenting of our anger quickly. Uncontrolled anger soon leads to hurtful words and violent actions. Many people have gone to jail because their anger got out of control.

Anger is an emotion. Emotions are energy. Anger can be used as energy for the Light or for the darkness. Dark energy gives dominion to the dark god of this world. The devil uses it to steal, kill and eventually destroy, not only your soul but the souls of others as well. Righteous anger gives energy to God who is Light to purify that which is being defiled.

James says we sin when we allow our desires to control us. The desires of the natural mind and the carnal body are sinful; they corrupt the body and soul. They age us before our time. They suck life from our bodies and leave us weak spiritually.

God gives us the Fruit of the Spirit which brings self-control, love, peace and joy, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or  the character of Jesus Christ.

To be led by the Spirit is to be led by the Truth of the Word of God, and by the characteristics of Christ’s Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit will lead us into all the Truth of Christ and His Father. He will convict us of sin. He will convict us of right-doing. He will convict us of the coming day of judgment. He will warn us of danger and of that which displeases Christ. We are not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by continuing to sin. We are to repent and obey His promptings.

To be led by the Holy Spirit, we have to quiet our minds and hearts, our thoughts and emotions. We have to read and meditate on Bible passages that apply to what we are facing and need direction with. We have to allow the Holy Spirit enough time to bake the Words of God deep down into our human spirits, until we are prompted, or urged to express that which we are feeling into words. Sometimes words are not enough and Romans chapter eight says the Holy Spirit will make intercession for us with groanings coming from deep within our belly or innermost being.

Of course our problem today is we are microwave Christians. We desire to pop it in, set the timer for 2 minutes, and pop it out. The spirit world, both dark and light, does not work this way. Jesus got alone with His Father often. Sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for a whole night, and sometimes for 40 days. He instructed us that sometimes certain strongholds cannot be torn down without putting fasting with the prayer.

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning may work for a non-life threatening illness, but its going to take some dedicated discipline to take daily doses of His Word and prayer, before your human spirit gains enough strength to retake control of your carnal soul, which takes its pleasure from the sinful desires of the flesh.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…..Christ in you is the Hope of Glory!

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