Intercession Unties God’s Hands

“My hands are tied!”

How many times have you heard that said? Maybe you have said it yourself.

What does it mean to have your hands tied, not physically, but allegorically?

When you stand before the judge, you may hear him say, “My hands are tied because the law requires a harsh sentence.”

The judge is saying that he is not free to deviate from the sentence required by the laws on the books. His hands are tied to give you a lesser punishment.

When God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, His angels admonished Lot to make haste to escape to Zoar saying, “I cannot do anything until you are out of Sodom and Gomorrah.” (Genesis 19:22)

Lot by his procrastination was “tying the hands of God.”

Abraham interceded for his nephew Lot and their family living in those corrupt cities.

God heard Abraham’s petitions and answered by sending His angels to deliver Lot.

Yet, Lot “lingered.”

Abraham untied the hands of God.

God sent His angels to remove Lot, his wife and two daughters, by their hands and leading them forcefully away from the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah!

God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9)

God will once again rain fire upon this world during the tribulation.

The Holy Spirit in the hearts of His believers is restraining God’s judgment, while the Abrahams of His church intercedes for the Lots still lingering under this world’s darkness.

God will send His angels to deliver those being interceded for, before He judges this world’s demonic system and as He raptures His believers to His side in Heaven.


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