Drones Are A Concern When Used Against American Citizens

Senators from both parties may be on a collision course with the White House over its top national security nominations, because of concerns over the Obama administration’s drone program.

A bipartisan group of 11 senators wrote a letter to President Obama Monday asking for “any and all legal opinions” that describe the basis for the authority to “deliberately kill American citizens.”

Click here to read the full article…Senators Threaten Confrontation With Obama Nominees Over Drone Concerns

Remember you just have to be ‘suspected’ of being associated with anything or anyone that can be interpreted as terrorist related. You do not have to be proven guilty of any crime. In fact you don’t even get a chance to defend yourself at a trial. They are expecting to have as many as 30,000 drones over America by the end of the decade. Are you ready to give up your freedom? Are you ready to see your loved ones disappear without warning? The Police State is shaping up right before our eyes, and the majority of our country is asleep.

Ann Wolfe’s Video

Ann Wolfe outlined the ten steps to the demise of America in her video. We need to wake up and make sure that we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ before our freedom is taken away completely in the name of a New World Order. The Bible says there will be a one world government with the Antichrist as the world leader. The Days of Noah are here, with every person doing what is right in their own eyes, and the demonic world around us loves it. Don’t be deceived by New Age teachings and the Occult. Jesus is the only way to the Father. If you are trying to climb up some other way, you are a thief and in alliance with the devil.

Father, I pray that you will convict each of us of our need to confess our helplessness to you. We have no intellect or power to be able to stand what is coming from the demonic world upon this earth. Only you can give us the spiritual eyes to see what is really going on around us as our governments pass laws that put us all into bondage to a elite few. Forgive us in Jesus Name. Amen.

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