Thanksgiving Family Dinner

My two sons, one step-son, two grandchildren, one daughter-in-law gathered with the wife and I for a Thanksgiving meal today. Of course the wife outdid herself as usual with the meal, and my daughter-law brought the turkey!

Mashed potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, cole slaw, vegetables, dip, cake, pies, you get the picture. Plenty of food and plenty of thanks with a beautiful day to top everything off with rays of Sunshine.

For dinner conversation, we passed around a sheet of paper with questions. Each person was asked to pick two questions to answer and pass the paper on to the next person. The questions were like; What was your first car? How do remember your grandparents; what were they like? What is your favorite book of all time? What is your favorite movie of all time?

There were other similar questions, and after everyone had shared, we went back around the table stating what two things we were the most thankful for in our lives.

It was interesting to note, that most everyone voiced ‘Family’ as their number one thing to be thankful for. Of course I-Pod got in there some way and my new Kindle!

That was a good feeling to hear your family each stating that they were thankful for Family above all else. We can only hope that this was shared across the Nation today at many dinner tables. We have so much going for us compared to so many other families and individuals in our Country. God is good to each of us and we do give Him the credit.

I am very proud of my family. They each bring their uniqueness to the family and always make me smile as I watch them interact with one another, and hear them share about their lives. The Grandchildren of course just amaze me with their intelligence and spurts of growth from when I saw them last. The Granddaughter is 12, and the Grandson is 14. Son#1 is 41, his wife is 32, Son#2 is 33 and the step-son is 33. My wife is still a young looking very attractive lady, and you already know that I am ‘Old’.

My Daughter and other Step-Daughter-in-law were not able to attend today, but were with us in spirit.

I trust that each of you had a day to be thankful for and in turn shared that with others and especially with the one who gives us all life.


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