Perry Stone at World Harvest Church

Perry Stone

Dr. Perry Stone preached at Rod Parsley’s church both services yesterday, two dynamic messages. If you have never heard Perry Stone teach and preach you are missing a blessing. He truly has an anointing to expound the Word of God in spiritual wisdom and understanding. He is a walking encyclopedia of Bible knowledge with the ability to connect with the hearts as well as the minds of those listening to him.

Take time to listen to each of his messages. Sunday morning he parallels the current situation of America with Israel’s past in a very insightful way. Sunday evening he expounds on some Hebrew words emphasizing the importance of finding our ‘place’ in God just as Moses sought a ‘place’ where he could see the Glory of God.

Dr. Perry Stone Sunday morning at World Harvest.

Dr. Perry Stone Sunday evening at World Harvest

It is encouraging to hear preachers calling for people to draw closer to God in true sanctification, in preparation for Christ’s soon return. If you are not walking in fellowship with your Creator, I encourage you to respond to the voice of your Shepherd today.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has never changed. We are the ones who change and withdraw from Him as we seek our own ways. He is ready to forgive us, when we are ready to acknowledge our need for His Mercy and Salvation.

Guilt and condemnation are used by Satan to keep you from believing that God can still love you. Satan is a liar. There is no condemnation in Jesus Christ once you acknowledge your selfish ways to Him. He replaces your guilt, fear and condemnation with forgiveness, love, mercy and a peace that passes all human understanding. He stands at your heart’s door and knocks as He whispers your name. Open your heart to Him, asking Him to come into your life today.

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