Clothed with God’s Light

Clothed with God’s Light



I visited a church a few weeks ago and was introduced to the Pastor. As we were sharing about the Lord, I couldn’t help but notice the glow that came from his face. I said to him, “It is nice to meet someone with the Holy Ghost glow. Your face is radiating the Spirit of God.”

Science has shown that the body emits a visible light, 1000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. This differs from infrared light that comes from body heat.

Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after spending forty days in God’s presence, with his face glowing. His face shone so bright that he had to put a veil over his face to keep from frightening the children of Israel.

God is Light, and there is no darkness in Him at all. Jesus said He is the Light of the world and if we walk in Him we will never walk in darkness. (I John 1:5 & John 8:12)

Proverbs 20:27 says the human spirit is the candle of the Lord that sheds light on his or her innermost being. God created Adam by breathing into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. When a man dies, his flesh goes back to dust, but his spirit returns to God who gave it to him. (Ecclesiastes 12:7)

Before Adam sinned, he was clothed with a garment of ‘light’ and knew nothing about his nakedness. When believers in Christ die, Paul says their mortal bodies are transformed into a body like unto Christ’s Glorified body; a body of light. There is no awareness of being naked in heaven. (II Corinthians 5:2)

A body of light is not limited by doors and walls, and is able to see and hear beyond the range of humans and animals. Jesus demonstrated this when He was transfigured before Peter, James and John, and after His resurrection as He appeared to His disciples.

Many people with Near Death Experiences try, and fail, to describe with earthly words the beauty of the colors and light, and the perfect harmony of sound which they see and hear while out of their bodies in heaven. These things are beyond earthly description.

If God is Light and the source of all light, and He breathes His life into man, then every man, woman and child have a small portion of this light in us. According to Scripture, this light is in our spirits as candles lit by God’s Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that, as believers, we are the light of the world and we should set our candles on a candlestick so that the whole world can see that light.

Our spirits, or candles, have to be Born Again and our minds have to be renewed and transformed by the Word of God to be able to see and understand the spiritual things of God. Many New Agers and Occult people are trying to contact the spirit world with a carnal and natural mind, and without their candles being lit by God’s Light. The result is demons imitating angels of light and, eventually, souls being trapped in darkness.

Did you know that scientists are manipulating the DNA of animals with humans in the hope of enabling human hybrids to be able to see the invisible spectrum of light and sound that surrounds us? They think they can enable humans to hear the sounds that dogs and porpoises hear, and see as the cat, bats and bees see. Humans see span from red to violet, but beyond are the ultraviolet wavelengths that we can’t see, that many animals do see. Humans can hear from 20 to 20,000 HZ, but some animals can hear up to 100 KHZ.

I used to be able to pick spirit filled believers in Christ out of the crowd by the glow about them. I haven’t experienced this much lately. Could it be something to do with the amount of time that we as Christians are not spending on our knees in daily meditation over His Word?

When a Christian dies, sometimes you can feel their spirit leave their body as the peace of God fills the room. Scripture tells us that angels escort us from our death-bed into the presence of Christ. Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be present with Christ. (Psalm 116:15, Hebrews 1:14, II Corinthians 5:8)

A number of years ago, in a vision, I saw angels escorting souls up an escalator out of a city and into the arms of Jesus Christ. The atmosphere around these angels and around Christ was full of brilliant bright light pulsating with joy and love.

David said God’s Word is a Lamp unto his feet and a Light unto his pathway, and the entrance of God’s Word gives Light and understanding. David said he stayed awake nights meditating in God’s Word. (Psalm 119:105, 130, 148) Jesus said the Words that He speaks to our hearts are ‘Spirit’ and ‘Life’. (John 6:63)

When Jesus was agonizing in the garden, angels came and ministered strength to Him; but He also made a statement to His disciples: “Could you not ‘watch’ with me one hour?’


Our bodies emit a small amount of light, naturally, from the spirit of Life and Light that comes from God giving us the breath of life.

Moses and Christ emitted radiant Light: Moses after spending considerable lengths of time in God’s Presence, which is Light; and Jesus as the Son of God, with the Spirit of His Father dwelling in Him, as He was transfigured with His garments glowing with His Father’s Light.

Believers who spend a lot of time in prayer and the Word emit God’s Light, making their faces glow. Jesus said believers are to be the Light of the world and not hide it.

David spent whole nights in prayer meditating over God’s Word, and was considered a man after God’s own heart. Jesus implied to His disciples that one hour per day is the minimum we need to spend with Him in prayer and meditating in His Word. Paul says we are to pray, without ceasing, in the Holy Spirit.

The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord; and the entrance of Spirit filled Words of God gives the human spirit light and life and understanding.

Adam was created with light, and clothed with a garment of Light as long as he obeyed God. Paul says believers are immediately present in the Presence and Light of Christ when they die in the Lord.

Scientists want to make humans able to hear and see like animals, because they recognize this light in the atoms of our bodies. They also have found that the stars make a humming sound, confirming what Job said about the stars singing and shouting about God’s creation! (Job 38:7)

The world, without their spirit-man being Born Again, wants to become like animals in sight and hearing; but God wants to give us sight and hearing beyond animals, and beyond the stars themselves, by giving our spirits life with His Holy Spirit! Man always exalts self and becomes like animals. God wants us to exalt Christ and become like Him!

If a person dies without believing in Christ as their Lord, their spirit goes dark and is cast into outer darkness; just as Lucifer became Satan and was cast out of God’s Light, and is now the prince of darkness and ruler of this world.

If a person dies believing in Christ as their Lord, their spirit is filled with God’s Light and it radiates as a garment of light around them in heaven for eternity, and they shall never walk in darkness.

God’s Word gives Light, because they are filled with the Holy Spirit of God, who is Light. Spending time in His Word allows that Light to permeate our spirits as the candles of the Lord to be the Light of the world; as a city that cannot be hid.

If believers are not spending time in the Word and in prayer and meditation, then their light is not burning brightly. The world looks at them and says they are no different than anyone else.

If Christians are not being the Light of the world, then the darkness in the world is encroaching upon the light. This explains why violence and evil deeds are increasing in all levels of society around the world. The candles which are to drive the darkness back are not doing their job, because the oil in their lamps has burned low. Many evil deeds are being done today in broad daylight, when they used to be only done under the cover of darkness. The Days of Noah are approaching as Jesus said they would, and it all means that He is coming very soon.

The gates of hell cannot prevail against His church; and where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. It all serves as a wake-up call for believers to get their Bibles out and make time to be alone with their God. Then the oil in the lamps will be renewed and the Light of God will shine forth into the hearts that He is drawing toward Him for salvation.




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