Jesus the Unopened Gift of Christmas

Christmas Jesus

Everyone has been hurrying around shopping for Christmas, making sure they have a gift to give to those who may be giving them a gift. When Christmas eve or Christmas morning arrives all gifts will be or will have been opened. Or will they?

A man’s aunt died who left him in charge of her small estate. After he had paid for the funeral and her outstanding debts there was about one hundred dollars left for him, and her old Bible. He put her Bible in a trunk in the attic and forgot about it.

Forty years later, he had reached the age where he needed to move in with his son due to his small retirement funds and health. When he was cleaning out the attic, he opened the trunk and there was his aunt’s Bible. He again wondered why she insisted on leaving it to him instead of other family members.

He started flipping through the pages and to his surprise, one thousand-dollar bills began to fall out onto the floor! When he had gathered all the money up, it totaled close to $50,000.00! His unopened gift could have been a blessing to him for the past forty years and helped delay his need to move in with his son.

As we pass the gifts around and enjoy the pleasure that comes from those who receive, let’s not forget who Christmas is all about.

He has given each of us the Gift of Himself through His Word, through His Holy Spirit, all because He loved each of us enough to die in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.

That little baby in the arms of Mary was Almighty God manifested to the world in a human body. He was both man and God at the same time. He knows exactly what you need this Christmas and has already given it to you over 2000 years ago. Don’t forget to open His gift to you up this evening or tomorrow morning. It is a gift that is new each and every day.


Remember a gift is still a gift, even if it is left unwrapped and unopened…..

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