What If?

"What if we don't change at all ... and something magical just happens?"

I have tried to operate my life on the principle of What if ?”

Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”

James 4:15 says, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”

In all our planning, we have to allow for what if the unplanned for happens.

What if your five-year old child was captured by radical Muslims and forced to recite an Islamic prayer or die? Your day was planned, your child taken care of and provided for, then the unplanned happened: your child is captured and forced to kneel on a beach, forced to recite an Islamic prayer, or be killed! Were you prepared for this? Is your child prepared for this?

You can read the horrible story here on US Herald – “Muslims Threaten The Execution Of 5-Year-Old Boy If he Does Not Pray, What He Did Instead Is INCREDIBLE”

Two children were captured. Here is a quote from the article:

One of the boys prayed to Allah and lived.

The other boy, the 5-year old child, staring out over the immense awesome power of God in the form of the ocean, instead lifted his voice to Heaven and prayed for Jesus Christ’s mercy and the sparing of his life.

“And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,” (Genesis 1:2).

The child was executed by the Jihadists.

His earthly life came to an end.

God spared his eternal life and took him home.

What if Radical Islam comes to America?

You say that is impossible! Is it impossible for ISIS to touch one of your loved ones, or yourself? What about all the innocent young people converting to ISIS? Whose child were they? Did their parents and/or loved ones plan this for their lives?

Larry Tomczak wrote this article for Charisma News.

“15 ‘Signs of the Times’ indicating Judgment”

I encourage you to click on the link and read both part one and two of his article. He believes we are a nation under judgment and soon to go the way of Germany under Hitler.

  • Divorce: Increased from 4% to 51% in one generation.
  • Cohabitation: 65% of “altar-bound” singles live together, a euphemism for lifestyle fornication.
  • Abortion: 57 million unborn babies aborted, some with taxpayer funding and now part of socialized medicine.
  • Marijuana: Being legalized in several states.
  • Euthanasia and Infanticide: Being legalized under camouflage names.
  • Pornography: Rampant, graphic, just a “click away” on hand-held devices.
  • Homosexual, lesbian and transgender lifestyles: Promoted even by our president, along with gay marriage and homosexual ordinations.
  • Movies and music: Standards almost nonexistent, with graphic nudity, profanity and blasphemy commonplace.
  • Out-of-wedlock births: 1st time in U.S history—more than 50%.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Over 110 million in our population infected.
  • Economic insanity: $18 trillion national debt; millions unemployed, deriving benefits; $60 billion in annual Medicare fraud and waste.
  • Illegal immigration: Over 11 million, and politicians pushing open borders and amnesty.
  • Political leaders: Corruption, incompetence, and deception at all levels.
  • Radical Islam and terrorism: Exploding in regions of the world, with an increasingly vulnerable America dismantling militarily, and docile politicians calling it a “peaceful religion.”
  • Should we add illiteracy … crime … catastrophic fatherlessness … human trafficking … adultery … profane comedians … an ignorant and low information populace? How about the ongoing erosion of our religious freedoms and secularism taking over society? And last but not least, how about a Laodicean, apostate church compromising and lacking the courage to address the defining issues of our day with clarity and conviction, while defining success in terms of happy sermons, attendance, offerings, number of staff, programs and square footage?

Besides the 15 signs of judgment, he also lists 8 Potential Disasters to Awaken Us?

  • Will it take another stock market crash, severe financial recession or, God forbid, global economic collapse to get our attention?
  • Might it take a series of beheadings and coordinated Islamic terrorist attacks in malls and cities by ISIS supporters slipping through unprotected borders to wake us up?
  • Would a massive power outage shutting down computers and canceling NFL games nationwide strike fear into the hearts of citizens and sober us to the urgency of the hour?
  • How about an airborne Ebola virus outbreak and the pestilences and diseases (Matt. 24:7) Jesus predicted at the end of the age? Maybe a mass migration of infected Central Americans streaming through our porous Southern border?
  • Perhaps the beginning of war in the Middle East as Jerusalem is surrounded by enemies (Luke 21:20) and Iran launches the “bomb” on Israel causing catastrophic disruption in the Straits of Hormuz (where 20% of the world’s total gas supply passes)? Recall the long gas lines of 1973?
  • Friends and family “handed over to be persecuted and put to death … hated by all nations because of Me” (Matt. 24:9)? Imagine us saying what a Chinese pastor, Huang Yizi, said this week upon being arrested in a government crackdown: “I am grateful to God for the opportunity to go to jail.”
  • Perhaps the very real, dreaded, catastrophic EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack causing unimaginable devastation by paralyzing America as all power lines burn out and all goes dark instantly? USA Today stated: “Cities darken, food spoils and homes fall silent. Civilization collapses.” Cause: One terrorist A-bomb or a severe solar storm.
  • Massive earthquake(s) as Jesus foretold (Matt. 24:7). Scientist Dr. Lucy Jones issued a dire warning on Oct. 15 to the L.A. City Council of the effects: “Infrastructure crippled; power grid and communications knocked out; water supply disrupted; 1,800 fatalities, 53,000 injured and ½ the buildings unusable.” [Note: This is not the inevitable “Big One” set for San Francisco.]

What if there is another 9/11 that drives people to church and to their knees in prayer? What if the Christians in America woke up from their spiritual coma and began to passionately voice their belief in Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life, silencing the atheists and the unnatural affection seekers, demanding God-fearing political, educational, and spiritual leaders to support what God gave us in the Ten Commandments and the eight Beatitudes of Jesus Christ? What if Christians began to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and blessed Israel as God commanded us to do in order to be blessed and not cursed?

Could we avert God’s Judgment? What if we can’t avert Judgment on America? Are you ready to refuse to convert to an atheistic worldview and deny the Lord who loved and died for you, so that even if you die, you live with Him for eternity? (John 11:25) How long will your clever mind enable you to survive without the power grids of America operating? With our water, food, and air polluted with chemicals? With the light of the sun blotted out for months?  With no fuel to make your car run, and no electricity to pump the fuel at the station, even if they were able to get it delivered?

We are a foolish society, watching a bunch of clowns campaign for the highest office in our country. While our current president has plans for our demise as a world leader, absorbed into a one world government ruled by a world military and a dictator. We have allowed our pastors to silence our voice for the sake of having more prosperity and comforts of life, while the atheists and the occult seekers have inundated our worldview with immorality and nothing is right or wrong, and “I say so”…..

Take time to read the above mentioned articles and allow God to speak to your heart about what if this was your child, and what if you see yourself in the signs listed? Are you willing to change the direction you are going, and ask God for forgiveness and healing for our land and the world?

What if ….

What if you are wrong about your selfish worldview? What if there is a God who is ready to ask you for an account of what you have done, good and bad, in this life? What if your children and grandchildren have to reap what you failed to stand up for as being honest and right and ethical and moral and just?

Will your child be able to die for the right, or convert to what is of the evil one?

It is time to pray and fast and ask God for forgiveness and healing of our hearts, to be able to walk in the ways that please Him, before we have to see the results of not planning for the What Ifs of our lives!




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