Halloween Celebrates Death


God is a God of Life. He desires to give us Eternal Life instead of eternal death.

All the sufferings of society and of each individual life are due to the curse placed upon us through the deception of the devil in the Garden of Eden. A beautiful garden of peace, safety, provision and harmony was taken away from Adam and Eve as they were placed outside of the gates of Eden after their disobedience to God’s Word. Death soon followed on the soil, on the animals, on Abel, and on Adam and Eve with all succeeding generations.

Paul says, “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.” Romans 8:22

Jesus tells us that devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus has come to give us abundant Life. John 10:10

  • Halloween focuses on death. Who is the author of death?
  • Halloween decorates tombstones. Who lie beneath the tombstones?
  • Halloween is a sacred high holiday for Wiccans, the official religion of Witchcraft. Do we wish to be associated with Witchcraft which God strongly hates?

Animal shelters know that white and black cats are the most common tortured and sacrificed on Halloween.



A Florida 18 year old girl beat a 16 year old boy to death, believing she was part vampire and part werewolf.

Satanists sacrifice little girls and then drink their blood. Click here to hear about  Human Sacrifies

Fear, death, evil, witchcraft and darkness are all opposites of God’s character. They have nothing to do with the Fruit of the Spirit of Christ in Galations 5:22

Think about what Satanist and Witches do on Halloween. Satanists believe that October 31st as an “All Demon’s Night.” As one of the few times a year the spirit world and the physical world meet and a gateway, portal or vortex opens up, there is exchange of demonic power that has been earned throughout the year. All “Hallows’ Eve” is a time of spells, curses, and demonic possession and power.

Particularly for the witches, it is a joyous festival and major Shabbat. Our culture dilutes the real intent behind this, and we as Christians buy into it, whereas practicing cults understand the seriousness of this Holiday, and it is far beyond trick or treating.

So while our little children run from house to house and carnival to carnival, somewhere on this night children and animals will lose their lives as they are sacrificed to the Kingdom of Darkness in exchange for possessions and power. This is reality !!!

Beth Eckert, says she was abused in a Satanic Halloween ritual. You can read more of her story on her blog here.

“On Halloween, Satanists use young children, such as myself, as sexual idols to worship. Other children receive a far worse fate. Death. I know for some this is more than you can even think to believe, but it is true. I can barely write these words because the pain of the truth is almost more than I can bear. If it wasn’t for the grace and love of Jesus Christ, I would not even be here writing this at all.”

My article Goblins in Zimbabwe Are Active At Halloween shows us that evil spirit beings are very active during the Halloween season. Have you ever wondered about why darkness is so important to Halloween? Dark and demons go together.

baal child sacrifice

We need to stay away from Halloween and all that it represents, for the one behind Halloween is the one that wishes to give each human being eternal death.

God destroyed a whole nation for the sacrificing of children by fire to the false god Baal. God wants children to grow up to fear, love and serve him, not be sacrificed on Halloween by evil people. God is ready to judge America for aborting over 60 million babies since the 70s. Demons kill. They do not give life.


“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.” Deuteronomy 18:10-11

“Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.” II Corninthians 6:17


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