God-Fearing Men and Women Are Watched by Angels

Cornelius was a Gentile Roman soldier ruling over from 100 to 1000 men. Rome was given to pagan worship with a whole list of gods. Cornelius was surrounded by this false-god worship, yet he is referred to as a God-fearing man.

Cornelius chose to seek after a God with a way of life characterized by separation from those who worshipped Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, Apollo, Mercury, Venus and Vulcan. His lifestyle and his beliefs did not go unnoticed by those under him, those over him, those around him, and even the angels of God. He was a devout man, one who feared God with his whole household, one who gave generously, and one who prayed to God continually!

Cornelius was praying at 3 pm when an angel appears to him, speaks to him, saying nothing but his name; “Cornelius.” Cornelius stared at the angel of God in terror as he is informed to send for one called Peter, even giving Peter’s address. The next day as the servants are on their way to seek Peter, an angel gives Peter a vision of unclean animals, all of which are forbidden by the Law of Moses for Jews to eat.

God uses the vision to inform Peter that which He calls clean cannot be called unclean any longer. Then Peter is instructed to accompany the servants of the Centurion. Upon arrival and hearing Cornelius’ story, Peter declares what he has learned from God: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him, and that Christ is Lord of all.” Unclean gentiles can now be called clean believers in God by the Blood of Christ’s sacrifice.

Bibles4Mideast website recently posted a story of a “Muslim woman bitten by deadly snake, but Jesus brought healing after a powerful dream.”

The article is like reading the Book of Acts and the story of Cornelius and Peter.

Hajira was raised by a father who was a devout Muslim Sharia Law follower. Her brother commanded a militant group protecting Islam.

Hajira and her family went out into the desert to enjoy an evening bonfire under the moonlight. After dinner she went for a short walk with her brothers and sisters. She felt something bite her leg and saw a big snake moving away after biting her. She had been bitten by a Sahara Horned Viper, a highly poisonous snake. She became unconscious within seconds, and stayed in a coma for four days. The doctors gave her little hope for living.

Upon awaking from the coma, Hajira heard what the doctors were saying, and turned her face to the wall so no one would see her crying. She began to pray for a painless death. She drifted off to sleep and an angel appeared to her in a dream.

The angel said, “Call upon Jesus, the Son of the Most High, who was crucified and died for you and rose from the dead.”

The words of the angel irritated her. “Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary? He was not crucified; and also he was not greater than my prophet,” she told the angel, reflecting her teachings under Islam.

“You are wrong,” the angel replied. “Jesus is the Lord of the prophets. He is the true Savior. He can heal you from all sickness and save you from sin and death. Call upon Him with your heart and mouth.”

When she awoke, her brother was standing by her asking her if she had just had a dream, as he heard her say something about the prophet Jesus.

Hajira described her dream expecting him to become angry, but to her surprise he told her that he also had had an experience with Jesus in a dust storm while on a military operation.

They joined hands together and prayed asking Jesus to show them the way, to forgive their sins, to heal them both mentally and physically and to send someone to guide them.

Two hours later Pastor Paul walks into the hospital room telling them that Jesus heard their prayers and the angel who had visited them had also visited him asking him to guide them to salvation and to pray for them.

When Pastor Paul laid his hands on Hajira’s head, she said, “Immediately I felt something extraordinary flowing through my veins and I got up from the bed and knelt on the floor. Yes, the Lord Jesus totally healed my sickness and sealed me by His precious and victorious blood!”

Is the story of Hajira and her brother a preview of the Book of Acts being restored and of what God is going to do with His Holy Angels once the Church is caught up to meet Christ in the air?

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth; to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people; saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” (Rev. 14:6-7 NKJV)

When the church is raptured out of this world, God will seal 144,000 Jews to preach the Gospel to the Jewish people and the world.

He also sends an angel to preach the everlasting Gospel to those who dwell in every nation, tribe, tongue, and people.

Are you praying for God-fearing men and women around the world to be able to hear the Gospel? Angels are ready to minister to them as they call upon the Name of Jesus. Wouldn’t it be something to get to heaven to find out that your prayers were used by God to send an angel to minister the Gospel of Christ to someone half-way around the world?

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