Blessed is He Who Comes In The Name of The Lord!

The United States on Friday allowed a UN Security Council Resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction to be adopted. In effect Obama abandoned Israel. President-elect Donald Trump inserted himself into the drama by calling on Obama to wield the Security Council Veto. Netanyahu accused Obama of colluding with the United Nations.

70 nations gathered for the Paris Middle East Conference Sunday reaffirming support for a two-state solution with a call to stop violence and end ongoing settlement activity. Britain attended the conference as an observer criticizing it as detrimental to Israel’s interest, in response to Trump asking them to protect Israel until he entered office.

Why does everyone hate Israel? Why is most of the world anti-Semitic? Why does Iran wish to wipe Israel off the map?

Many theologians believe that Lucifer aka Satan, had charge of the earth before he rebelled against God. As a result of his rebellion he left the earth without form and void. God then placed Adam over His creation giving him dominion over the earth that Lucifer used to rule. Satan was outraged and sought immediately to attack Adam and his wife Eve.

When Adam and Eve fell, God cursed Satan and gave a prophecy of a ‘seed’ (Christ) of the woman crushing Satan’s head. The Plan of Redemption told Satan how he would ultimately be defeated. (Genesis 3:15) Satan has tried ever since to keep his sentence to eternal death from being carried out.

Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of this world, offering them to Him for bowing down to worship Satan as God. Jesus of course refused. Satan then sought His death and thought the crucifixion was a success, until Christ showed up in hell demanding Satan’s keys!

70 Angels over 70 Nations of World

Jewish Rabbis believe that the 70 nations at the Paris conference has significance due to God originally assigning 70 good angels over the 70 nations that resulted from the 70 grandsons of Noah who repopulated the world after the flood. Rabbi Trugman says 70 nations in Torah terms means all the nations. There were 70 oxen offered in the Temple at the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). 70 is representative of being the whole world as against Israel, trying to force them into a two-state solution, and demanding Israel give up her control of a small section of Jerusalem.

Jesus acknowledges Satan’s right to rule this world as his own through the sin of Adam as the first head of mankind. The Apostles teach that Satan is the god of this age and that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

Satan hates Israel and the Jewish People

It is not the kings and presidents of this world who are against Israel. It is Satan who knows what Scriptures say about Israel producing the Messiah who will rule from Jerusalem and then cast him into the Lake of Fire for eternity!

From Cain slaying Abel to Iran demanding that Israel be wiped off of the map, attempts have been made by the devil to destroy the Nation of Israel. The devil tried to destroy the royal lineage of the Messiah to prevent Christ from being born, believing that if there is no Messiah, there is no fulfillment of Genesis 3:15. The devil also tried to destroy the Nation of Israel to prevent the return of the Messiah and His rule from Jerusalem.

The devil knows that if Israel believes in Jesus Christ as her Messiah, she will begin to cry out:

“Blessed is He Who Comes In The Name of The Lord!” (Matthew 23:39, 21:9, Psalm 118:26)

When Israel believes as a Nation in the Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and makes this her daily cry for Him to return to Jerusalem, then He will return as her Messiah and this time as her King from the lineage of David. Many believe that God supernaturally defending Jerusalem against the future war with Russia and her allies will be the beginning of Israel’s cry and realization that Jesus Christ is her true Messiah.

When Jesus returns as Israel’s King, He will begin to rid the earth of Satan and his evil, eventually casting the devil into the Lake of Fire; just as He foretold in Genesis 3:15. Satan’s head will be crushed for eternity.

Paul teaches us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual dark forces in the unseen world around us. If we begin to look at the words and actions of our world leaders with this understanding then we can see the evil influence of the devil in many of the world events. We also can see the hand of God working in the affairs of men as Governor of the nations of this world.

Israel’s land has been promised by Almighty God to Abraham and to the seed of David forever. God always keeps His Word. Israel will be a Nation, and she will have control of all the land as promised to her in the Covenants with Abraham and David.

Russia and her Islamic allies will try to destroy her in the near future, but God has already foretold this battle and the destruction of Russia and all who join her against Israel. God has miraculously fought for Israel down through the Old Testament and in modern times as in the Six Day War of 1967 and He will do so again on a grander scale.

(This map shows the land promised to Abraham which is yet to be fulfilled.)






(this map shows Israel today-far less land than promised to Abraham)





(this map shows the Western Wall of Jerusalem keeping the Jews away from Old Jerusalem and preventing them from rebuilding their temple-all resolutions and treaties call for Israel to give up rights to Old Jerusalem and any land gained from 1967 six-day war)





The question remains as to what President-Elect Donald Trump will do to support Israel against Obama and his United Nations agenda. He has already promised to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem which will surely create more threats of war. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner is Jewish which may help influence more support for Israel.

Will Trump’s support for Israel be the turning point for bringing about the next attempts by the devil to destroy Israel once and for all by a Nuclear attack? No Israel equals no possible return of their Messiah, equals no final judgment on Satan able to be carried out.

There is a war between Satan and God over the Nation of Israel. It has been going on for thousands of years. It will end at the Battle of Armageddon.

You and I live in a world at war. Satan hates Christians just like he hates Jews. Both have promises of ruling and reigning with Christ, whereas the devil has the assurance that he will lose his influence over earth via evil people and spend eternity in a Lake of Fire.

The good news is the final chapters of the Book of Revelation tell us the outcome of all of the devil’s attempts to prevent his final judgement. Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity and God fills His New Heavens and His New Earth with His holiness and knowledge so that the old and the young alike all know Him in a personal relationship of peace, and love.

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