
We didn’t want another pet. We had three. Then last year Bandit died at the old age of 10. We figured that When Biskit dies, then the cat would be next to go, and ‘No More Pets”!

They are expensive and demand lots of attention. Who wants to clean a litter box, or bend over to pick up dog poop, when you are elderly? It is difficult on the back, and pocketbook.

Then the newlyweds had to have a puppy. Then they couldn’t keep the puppy. You know the rest of the story. We liked the puppy. The puppy comes to live with us. Everyone lives happily ever after. Except for Martha. (The cat) But even she is becoming use to a 65# mixed Shepherd chasing her, as she is beginning to make a game of it now!

Buddy is like having a 3-ring circus with just one animal. He is able to do it all by himself, without the help of the clowns or trainers! Total entertainment with such a lovable gentle nature, winning everyone’s hearts, so that all the ladies call him ‘Handsome’, and the guys call him, “Buddy”.

He is very protective of his ‘flock’ and demonstrates his natural ‘herd-instincts’, as he checks every room of the house to make sure that every one is accounted for. So, you see why Martha just confounds him, as a cat refuses to be ‘herded’….(Martha is 9 yrs old)

Buddy is 8 months old going on 24 months in people years. You know how 2 year old children are. Buddy is into everything, sniffing, chewing, listening, looking, thinking, and back to romping after Biskit. Biskit likes some of it, but not all of it, as she is 8 years old herself, and Buddy just has too much energy for her liking.

Everyone wants to know if he will grow into his big ears…..I will update with another picture when he is a year old, and we will see.

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