The Tabernacle Plan of Salvation-Table of Showbread

The Outer Court of the Tabernacle Plan contained the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice and the Laver of Water made of Brass, symbolizing repentance and water baptism in the New Testament.

Everything about the Outer Court dealt with the judgment of sins. Brass signifies judgment in the Bible.

A veil separated the Outer Court from the Holy Place. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Anyone who desires to see the Father has to come through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)

Sin cannot enter into the Holy Places of God without propitiation. (I John 2:2)

Fellowship with God’s Presence is the purpose of the Holy Place.

The Golden Candlestick shed light upon the bread upon the Table of Showbread and caused prayer and worship to ascend from the heart as incense upon the Altar of Incense.

The Holy Place becomes a type of the church sanctuary.

As sinners, we repent and get baptized; then we enter into the study of God’s Word with the aid of His Holy Spirit illuminating its truths to our hearts: we then lift our hearts in prayer and worship to Him.

The Holy Place becomes a type of personal devotions.

We repent of sins committed as believers; then we allow the water of the Word to wash and cleanse us anew, as the Holy Spirit convicts us of what is right, what is wrong, and of the coming judgment: we then lift our hearts in prayer and worship to Him.

The Table of Showbread

The table of showbread had 12 loaves of bread displayed upon it representing the 12 tribes of Israel.

The table was a place of communion, a place of provision, where the priest met with God, eating in His Presence.

The only light is coming from the golden candlestick reflecting off the golden altar of incense upon the golden table of showbread. The Holy Spirit guides us into the Truth of Jesus and His Word.

The table is a place to break bread with family and friends. It is a place of bonding, sharing, communication, and fellowship. We grow in fellowship with Jesus as we spend time with Him at His table of communion.

The table was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. The table is a picture of Christ with His humanity and Deity.

The table carries the bread or His Word just as Christ is the Living Word of God made flesh. (John 1:14)

The table had a gold molding around it with a crown on top. Jesus is King of kings, and He protects His believers, as He holds us in His hands.

Bread was made from fine flour, which was made from wheat. The wheat was alive and growing, then was harvested to die and be crushed to become bread. Jesus was alive and had to suffer and be crushed under the weight of sin. His dying gave eternal life to all who believe in Him as Lord and God.

The bread was unleavened. Jesus was sinless.

The bread was baked in the fire. Jesus suffered the fire of His trials.

The bread was perforated. Jesus was pierced and wounded for our transgressions.

Frankincense was placed on the showbread. Incense is a type of prayer and intercession in the Bible. Jesus prays and intercedes for us as our High Priest. As we study His Word, it releases a sweet aroma unto the atmosphere around us and ascends to the Lord.

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Word made flesh. When we eat of His Living Word, it nourishes our soul and spirit-man. We begin to take on His character or the Fruit of His Spirit.

The Manna in the wilderness and the showbread are types of Jesus Christ as the true Living Bread. Jesus is the Divine Bread who sustains us and to satisfy the hunger of our souls. When we eat of the Bread of Christ, we gain Eternal Life. We shall never die spiritually. (John 6:49-51)

The showbread is a daily experience.

The showbread was replaced weekly for a fresh supply, so we need to come on a regular basis. The showbread was covered with incense, so we need to come with prayer.

A drink offering was offered by the priests with the showbread. This is a picture of the Blood of Jesus being poured out for us.

The priests broke the bread, ate it, then poured out wine in unity as a witness to Christ.

Jesus broke bread with His disciples with wine.

When we partake of the Communion Table, we continue the celebration of the victory of Christ over sin, and death. (Luke 22:19,20, I Corinthians 11:26)

The Outer Court is where we repent of our sins and get baptized.

The Holy Place is where we study God’s Word, feeding our spirit-man with eternal life, as the Light of the Holy Spirit illuminates the Living Word of Christ, causing our hearts to pray and worship our Lord, while interceding for the world.










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