The Tongue of Man-Part Five

God is a consuming fire, preventing mortal man from approaching Him. He is just and holy, so only those who are pure are able to be around Him. He loves man enough to send His only begotten Son to die for their sins. He is very patient as He longs for fellowship with man created in His image. His light and truth allows no darkness around Him. The prophets of old struggled to describe His glorious appearance as they beheld Him in their visions of Him on His throne.

He created Lucifer to be perfect in all his ways and set him over all of His created angels. The Bible speaks of Cherubs, Seraphim, Archangels, and angels as an orderly kingdom around His throne. Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covered God’s throne. He was gifted with making music, and led the rest of the angels in worship around the throne of God.

God asks Job a revealing question about the beginning of creation; “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have the understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Job 38:4-7 ESV

When God created the earth, the angels shouted and sang for joy, indicating that it was good and beautiful. But when we read Genesis chapter one, verse two, we find that the earth was in a confused state of emptiness. What happened between the time when the angels sang for joy, and the time when God had to hover over the waters?

Lucifer, being next to God in Heaven, decided that he could run the universe better than God, and he went about to prove it. He used his tongue to slander God before the other angels, accusing God of unfairness in His rule over them. He convinced a third of them to turn against God. They approached God and challenged His authority. We have seen this same scenario in churches, businesses, governments, and in the children of Israel when they challenged Moses’ right to lead them. Pride and rebellion are the root cause, which starts as a thought in the mind, and works its way into the emotions of the heart, and finds its expression through the tongue of the mouth.

Lucifer, at one point in time, seemed to have authority over the earth before Adam arrived on the scene. If so, this could explain why the earth was in a state of void without order. Jesus spoke of Satan (Lucifer’s name after the fall from heaven, meaning to slander or to oppose) as a thief, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and as the ruler of this world, as a liar, and full of darkness. This is not a very good character reference for an inconsistent resume.

As soon as Satan saw Yahweh stoop to take a hand full of dust in His hands, forming it into a man, he was nervous. When God breathed a portion of His own divine breath into Adam, producing a living soul, Satan knew he was in trouble. Scripture tells us that man is made a little lower than the angels, but has the capacity to reign over angels through Jesus Christ. Satan didn’t know the purpose of Adam, but he didn’t like what he saw.

I believe that Lucifer was in love with the worship that was directed to God, and since he was the music director, he convinced himself that it was really directed to him, as there would be no worship to God without his leading it. But, as we all have learned in life, there is always another employee to replace our termination. When he was cast out, he was angry with God for displacing him, but knew in his heart that he deserved it, yet refused to acknowledge this due to his selfish pride. When Satan saw Adam and how God breathed into him the breath of life, he became even more angry, not only at God, but at Adam.

He immediately saw that God wanted to have fellowship with an object made of dirt instead of allowing him back into heaven, so off to the garden he goes with his plan. One way that terrorists attack a man is through his loved ones, and this is what Satan did, he attacked God by attacking his children. He did this by using his tongue to deceive, lie, and entice Eve, just like he did the angels in heaven. When Eve chose to obey Satan instead of obeying God, she also used her tongue to express her willful choice. The tongue became set on fire of hell, for hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.

Now we have two kingdoms: God’s kingdom with 2/3rd of the angels around Him in the third heaven (Paul and John say there are three heavens) and Satan’s kingdom with 1/3rd of the angels around him, ruling this world from the mid-heavens, or 2nd heaven, while roaming the earth as a roaring lion seeking those who he can deceive into hating God with him. Satan hates God and he hates man for being in the image of God, and he doesn’t even understand about the cross and how it will elevate man above him. So, you can see why there is such an increase of demonic activity since the cross, and as we get closer to the end of this age, when Satan will be cast into the lake of fire.

Man’s part is to realize that he has been created in God’s image, with great value and dignity for the purpose of dwelling around the throne room with the creator of all things. If he can understand this higher purpose, then he can choose to give his tongue in confession to light and truth, bringing the kingdom of God on this earth as it is in heaven. Our tongue attracts one or the other kingdoms, because God designed it that way. He created all of His angels and mankind with the freedom to choose who we will love and obey. Whatever comes forth from my mouth will influence and encourage either the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan. That’s just the way it is as a spiritual being, a living soul. It couldn’t be any other way when we are going to live forever either in heaven or in hell.

Since Eve and Adam gave the right of dominion over the earth back to Satan, Christ had to come to pay the ransom price of His shed blood to get that dominion back for those that will believe in Him. When we believe in Christ, the works that He did, will we do also, as He washes our guilty consciences and our spirits in His Blood, restoring our soul in its understanding of spiritual truths. We become seated with Him in heavenly places to exercise dominion over all that is contrary to His character and Word. All power in heaven and earth is His and He in turn passes that along to those who will love Him and obey His teachings. It is all done with the tongue confessing Him as our High Priest and agreeing with the promises of His Word.

Adam and Eve died spiritually by disobeying God. Their minds became darkened because they were now under his kingdom of darkness. Satan is alienated from God and now Adam and Eve are also, as well as all of their descendants. Man confessed with his tongue to be able to enter into the kingdom of darkness. Man has to confess with his tongue to get out of the kingdom of darkness into God’s kingdom of light. You attract that which you confess. The tongue-forming words hold the power of life and death, light and darkness.

I won’t try to list all the things that Satan hates to hear coming out of the mouths of mankind, but here are a few major ones:

1-I confess my need of Jesus Christ as my Savior and redeemer. I ask Him to forgive me of my sins and be my Lord and king.
2-I confess the Blood of Jesus Christ over my soul and the souls of my family. I ask that He covers the spirit, soul and body of all of us.
3-I confess the power of the Name of Jesus Christ. I believe His Name is above every other name that is named and that every knee will bow before Him, including Satan and his kingdom.
4-I confess the power of His Holy Spirit in my spirit that convicts of right and wrong as He leads me into His Truths. His Spirit is living water.
5-I confess the power of His Word as Spirit and Life and Truth and as the bread of Life for my soul.
6-I confess the protection of His angels around me, keeping me from danger and harm.
7-I confess that Jesus died for my sins and that he was buried, descended into the lower parts of the earth, defeating death, hell and the grave, taking the keys from Satan and ascended to His throne in Heaven. He now lives to make intercession for me until he returns to take me to where He is.
8-I confess the protection of His Spiritual Armour: The helmet of salvation. The girdle of truth. The shoes of His Gospel of peace. The breastplate of His righteousness. The shield of faith. The sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. I ask Him to cover me with these each morning when I arise from sleep.
9-I confess His will be done in my heart as it is in heaven. I confess his kingdom come in my heart as it is in heaven. I confess my need for Him to lead me not into temptation and to deliver me from the evil one. I confess God as my Heavenly Father and give Him praise as the creator of the universe and all living beings. I confess my desire to honor His Name. I confess my forgiveness of all who have wronged me, so that He will forgive me of all my wrong doings in thought, word and deed.
10-I confess my desire to see Israel blessed and to understand the Yeshua is their Messiah. I confess His Blood to cover all Jews and the nation of Israel with peace and protection.
11-I confess the Blood of Jesus Christ over all of His pastors, teachers, and missionaries, protecting them, and strengthening them to preach His Word of Faith.
12-I confess the Blood of Jesus Christ over our nation for the forgiveness and protection among the leaders and the people.
13-I confess my desire for the Lord to send His angels to minister to all who are desiring to be free from their addictions and prisons of oppression.
14-I confess that all shall know you from the child to the old man and that the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth from sea to sea, and that there will be nothing that shall hurt or destroy in all of His Kingdom.
15-I confess healing for all the emotional wounds hidden deep inside of the souls of His children.

I guarantee if you will confess these things on a daily basis, that you will begin to see the void of your soul filled with peace, love and contentment that only comes from fellowship with your heavenly Father.

This concludes the study of the tongue of man. There are many other things to say about man’s tongue, but I want to take this into the ways we open and close doors to the spirit world in the next studies.

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