What a Revolting Development this is! Yet it doesn’t have to be!

life of riley

Chester A. Riley, on The Life of Riley, often stated: “What a revolting development this is!”. The 1950’s TV series starred Jackie Gleason and William Bendix.

We could say the same thing today about our society.

John Kerry recently stated that our current presidential campaign has become an “International embarrassment”.

We have 323.5 billion people in the United States of America; and the current candidates are the only ones who are qualified and encouraged by the elites of our country to run for president?!

Our current president denies the reality of ISIS as a real threat to America, while passing laws that Congress has no vote on (including many side deals with Iran), removing God more and more from any government or society function, and encouraging anti-god relationships in the name of “Tolerance”.

Russia is increasing her military might, as we decrease ours. China holds a large portion of our national debt, while working with Russia to bypass the American Dollar. North Korea threatens us constantly with nuclear missiles. Iran argues for acceptance and financial support, while promising to wipe us off the map as the “Great Satan”. Russia has a nuclear submarine that is able to navigate our coastlines undetected, while China is challenging us over long-standing sea rights so they can build islands for military deployments.

Which candidate will take us back to our God-fearing roots? Which one will lead us into WW III? Will Obama really leave the White House, or will there be a National Security Issue suddenly develop to allow him to bypass the constitution once again?

Franklin Graham has called for repentance with fasting and prayer while choosing to vote for the candidate that has the most God-fearing principals in alignment with the Bible.

Europe has been decimated with terrorist attacks from Paris, to Belgium, to Turkey, to Pakistan, with promises of more coordinated attacks in the near future. America has not been left out, as they promise to release multiple attacks on major American cities in the near future.

Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS have the capability to release an EMP (Electromagnet Pulse) attack over America which would instantly knock out our ability to communicate electronically with one another for months. Which candidate will say or do the wrong thing to cause one of them to proceed?

Americans live paycheck to paycheck, with very little food stockpiled for emergencies. What a revolting development it will be when Riley can’t go to work, play golf, buy food at Walmart, or use his cell phone to inquire about the welfare of his loved ones!

Yet, as you watch TV, you see shows like The Modern Family, Big Love, Sister Wives, and The New Normal. They all portray life around multiple relationships that are in defiance of the one-man and one-woman marriage that God established and Jesus confirmed, as if life is one big party and will go on forever without any judgement.

Hollywood stars, for the most part, model lifestyles that are unchristian and ungodly, brain washing multitudes into accepting the New Normal as if it has always been.

Persecution against Christians by Atheists and occult believers has reached an all-time high around the world. It is suddenly not cool to be a Christian, and down-right dangerous. Could beheadings come to America? Or is it already here, awaiting their cue to attack?

A Catholic priest was crucified on Good Friday in Yemen. Tolerance has become the new Buzz Word, and you better define it the way those who want their sinful lifestyles accepted want it defined!

From the 50’s to this day, America has changed so much that my grandparents, if they were alive, would not recognize it.

Paul told the Corinthian Christians that he had given them to the Lord as the husband of a chaste virgin, pure and undefiled before Him. (II Corinthians 11:2) Yet even the church has become puppets imitating the lifestyles of Hollywood and the world.

Where is the purity of:

Our children?

Our young people?

Our young adults?

Our school teachers?

Our college professors?

Our business owners?

Our policemen?

Our firemen?

Our soldiers?

Our clergy?

Our day care providers?

Our babysitters?

Parents can throw their newborn children into the garbage compactor after birth, or leave them along a highway in the cold, or can cook their child to death in an oven because they wouldn’t keep quiet!

An uncle can rape a one year old girl while strangling her to death!

“I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.” Galatians 2:21

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30

God loves us enough to send His Son to die for our sins, so that when we believe in Him we do not have to die, and can have eternal life. Yet He is grieved by His children who have left the natural order of His Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes of His Son to do what is right in their own eyes and call wrong, right and right, wrong.

America has been blessed for honoring God and blessing Israel. The older generations see where our nation has come from and what it cost in blood and hard work, and now they are grieving over what America is becoming: a nation without God, a nation of individual mindsets, a nation of individuals pursuing their animal instincts instead of their God-given desires for all that is good, just and pure.

Jesus weeping over Jerusalem

The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus Wept” John 11:35

How God must grieve over us, as Jesus wept over Jerusalem for not accepting Him as their Messiah!

Tolerance demands fairness, and fairness demands justice, and justice demands judgment.

As the parents of the drug addict must cast him or her out of the house and allow him or her to reach rock bottom and to cry for help, God must soon judge our nation to bring us back to our knees asking for mercy and divine intervention to do what is right in His sight once again.

Just because God has not judged you for not obeying the convictions of your conscience for doing right, doesn’t mean that He is not ready to release His judgement upon you at any moment. Eccl. 8:11

Just because you live your whole life pleasing yourself, doesn’t mean that you won’t stand before Him at Judgement and have to pay for those sins that you never asked Christ to forgive. II Peter 3:15

What a revolting development this is! Yet it doesn’t have to be!

Christ is still our sacrifice for sins; and He is ready to forgive if we only ask for His mercy. Today is the day of salvation, and now is the time to realize how much you have grieved your Heavenly Father, and ask for the forgiveness of your sin.

It is appointed unto men once to die. No reincarnation in this verse. Just one death.

And after this the Judgement. No multiple judgements here. Just one judgement for all those who have refused the mercy and forgiveness of Christ. Hebrews 9:27

Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgement; and some men they follow after. If you are a believer in Christ, having asked for His Mercy, then your sins are already judged as forgiven and covered under the Blood of Christ. If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.  I Timothy 5:24 & I John 2:1

If you have not asked for the forgiveness of your sins, then you will face the White Throne Judgement and have to pay for your own sins.

The revolting development could have been avoided if more right choices had been made.




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