“He has risen, just as He said.” “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?”

Easter is the celebration of Christ rising from the dead as the Son of God. Millions of Christians around the world will be attending church rejoicing that Christ has conquered death, hell, and the grave.

While many will sincerely profess their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and God, there are others who are busy proclaiming Jesus Christ to be merely a man who attained enlightenment to become a spiritual master. There is one Catholic professor who is proclaiming Jesus Christ to be a “Drag Queen” with “Queer Desires.” You can read the article on Fox News.

Paul says we need to make a new commitment to hold tightly to our profession of faith without wavering because Jesus is faithful to His Word and will return as He has promised.

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) (Hebrews 10:23)

The devil has hated Jesus Christ before time began on earth for Adam and Eve. He has done all he can to prevent the “seed of the woman” to crush his head. Reviewing the timeline of Israel we see the devil killing Abel, corrupting the DNA of man with fallen angels, attempting to divert the plan of God for Abraham, trying to destroy Israel in Egypt, deceiving Israel to worship demons as idols, trying to wipe the Jews out with Haman, taking Jews into captivity with Babylon, Persia, Greece, and then Rome. If he had succeeded, he would have prevented the Messiah from arriving in Jerusalem.

The devil couldn’t keep a sinless Jesus from arriving in Jerusalem, so he attacked Jesus relentlessly in person.

The census was inspired by Satan. The trip to Bethlehem was around 80 miles from Nazareth. It would have been a strenuous journey for a pregnant Mary. Mary arrived safely and delivered the Messiah.

Angels rejoiced and proclaimed His Divinity, while the devil prompted Herod to slay all male babies two years old and under.

The wilderness temptations were the devil’s next attempt to trick Jesus into sinning and becoming an impure Lamb of God. When this failed, he used the Scribes and Pharisees to test and slander Jesus, calling Him Beelzebub. Satan incited a crowd to throw Jesus over a 40’ hill at Nazareth, yet Jesus hid Himself. He caused another crowd to throw stones at Jesus, yet Jesus couldn’t be touched because His hour had not come yet. He used Peter to resist God’s will for Christ. He used Judas to betray Him to the religious rulers. He tried to crush the heart of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He used Pilate to beat Him and sentence Him to a Roman Crucifixion. He used the crowd at the foot of the cross to mock and torment Him. Satan failed to stop the death of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God!

Satan was not counting on the Resurrection!

The devil’s war against the “seed of the woman” finally resulted in the death of Israel’s Messiah. The devil thought he had won. The keys of death, hell, and the grave were in his hands. There would be no resurrection. Then Jesus descended first into the lower parts of the earth and stood before the devil demanding the keys! The surprise on the devil’s face must have been something to behold. We will no doubt get to see something like it when we see Jesus cast the devil into the Lake of Fire!

Then Jesus opened the graves of those in Abraham’s Bosom, and many appeared in Jerusalem testifying of the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

The angel said, “He has risen, just as He said!”

Jesus became the Passover Lamb.

Just as Moses was instructed to apply the blood of the lamb to the doorposts of each house of the Israelites, Jesus has made it possible to apply His Blood to the doorposts of our hearts. When the death angel saw the Blood, he had to pass over that household. When the devil sees the Blood of Christ applied to our hearts, he has to leave us alone. Death, hell and the grave have no power over those who believe in Christ as their Lord and God!

Revelation 12:11 says the tribulation saints overcome the devil by “the Blood of the Lamb” and “their Testimony.”

The blood of the lamb had to be taken from the basin and applied with hyssop to the doorposts of each Jewish home. As long as the blood was in the basin, it did not protect the Children of Israel.

Paul says in I Corinthians 5:7 that Jesus is our Passover lamb sacrificed for us.

As long as the Blood of Christ is not “Professed” it stays at the cross and is not applied to our hearts. We have to testify of what the Blood does for us to make it applicable to our lives. The Passover Blood repelled the Destroyer of Israel, and the Blood of Jesus as our Passover protects us from Satan today.

Only as we make a proclamation of what the Blood is doing in our personal lives does it exert its power to repel the enemy of our souls. The tribulation saints are able to die for Christ because of their faith and profession in the Blood of Christ.

Spiritually dead professors like Dr. Tat-siong Bennv Liew blaspheme the Name of Jesus Christ because the devil is using them to devalue the Blood of Christ as our Passover Lamb. If Jesus is a sinner like the rest of us, then He cannot be our Messiah, nor our Judge.

Our society has become proud and self-sufficient like the devil. We do not want anyone telling us we are sinful and in need of a savior. We have become our own gods as demonstrated to us daily via Hollywood and the entertainment industry. I decide what is right and what is wrong and no one has the right to tell me different. Beyonce and Jay Z openly blaspheme Jesus Christ, while Oprah promotes a mystical Christ Consciousness causing many to be led astray from the real Christ of the Bible.

But when you die, where will you spend eternity? Who will you face as your Judge? Will you find peace or torment?

The beggar died and was comforted in Abraham’s Bosom. The rich man died and was tormented in hell.

Jesus now has the keys to death and hell. No one dies and goes to hell unless they deny Jesus as their Lord and God.

If you confess your sins, He is just and faithful to forgive your sins now and forever. If you Profess what His Blood does for you, then the devil trembles and has to “Pass Over” your heart because it belongs to Jesus Christ.

Easter is a time of celebration. Death and hell have been conquered. Those who die believing in Christ as their savior, are carried by their angels into Paradise where Jesus welcomes them with loving arms.

While atheist and occult New Agers secure media time by proclaiming Jesus a sinful, but good man while stripping Him of His Divinity, it is time for every Christian to make Proclamations that the Blood of Jesus has covered their sins and granted them eternal life!

“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)

“Why stand you here gazing into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)


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