Birthpangs of the Four Horsemen of Revelation

Jesus gave us signs to look for indicating the end of time in Matthew 24. He likened these to birth pangs.

Did you know that the whole world groans to be restored to the Garden of Eden? (Romans 8:22)

The beginning of birth pangs in Greek means “the beginning of sorrows.

Israel will be reborn as a nation that receives Christ as their Messiah after going through the pains of the Tribulation. (Isaiah 26:16-19)

  • God promised Abraham the nation of Israel in Genesis 12:1-3.
  • God promised Moses the land of Israel in Deuteronomy 30:1-10.
  • Israel was regathered as a nation in 1948 but is still without the land promised, and without accepting Christ as their Messiah.
  • Israel has been the epicenter of all Mid-East wars since then.
  • President Erdogan of Turkey desires to be the new Caliphate Leader of a new Islamic Ottoman Empire.
  • Iran is creating a nuclear-armed Persian empire to wipe Israel off the map and to cripple America.
  • Russia and China are repositioning themselves with military, technology and finances to survive as superpowers after the demise of America.
  • President Trump has decided to remove American troops from Syria, just as Russia is forming tighter alliances with Iran and Turkey.
  • Joel Rosenberg lists the meetings between Russia, Turkey, and Iran since November 24, 2017, as a total of three in 2018 and another scheduled the first part of 2019.
  • Damascus is destroyed by an attack from Turkey or Israel fulfilling Psalm 83.
  • Israel gains control of most of the land promised by God to Abraham.
  • America is divided and is weakened via, financial, natural, or an attack from China and/or Russia.
  • Russia with its allies Iran, Turkey, and their allies (Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, others) attack Israel fulfilling Ezekiel 38-39.
  • God fights for Israel because America can’t or is unable to defend Israel as before. Ezekiel 38:18-23 details how God fights for Israel with a great earthquake and causing every man’s sword to be against his brother.

Could the weakening of America, the repositioning of China and Russia, and the forming of new alliances in the Middle East be the opening of the 1st Seal of Revelation 6:1-2?

Jesus said many false Christs would come deceiving people about Him and the Gospel. If you listen to the Pope and the mainline churches today and compare it with the Scriptures, you will acknowledge that there is a deceitful spirit of antichrist among Christians today, as well among the leaders of our government.

The leaders of China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey all say what is acceptable to the world, while behind them their citizens are suffering horrible human right violations; including “Re-education Camps.” Their real goal is world domination and the demise of America.

The church leaders and government leaders, even in America, are fulfilling the white horseman of peace without arrows for his bow, conquering in the name of deceit.

Immediately after the White Horse is the Red Horseman who takes peace from the earth. Could this be the new coalition being formed with Russia and her allies, plus China’s re-positioning for his share of the spoil?

Then comes the Black Horseman signifying famine, poverty, and suffering that always follows wars. Think about how great this time of suffering will be if nuclear weapons are used by Hitler-like leaders?

The fourth horse is a Pale Horseman whose rider is Death and Hell followed with him. This rider has the power to kill ¼ of the world’s population with hunger, death, and beasts of the earth.

There are 7.5 billion people on planet earth today. 1/4th of this would be 1.9 billion people dead from the Pale Horse!

“Pale” or “Chloros” denotes a yellowish green or the paleness of a sick person: the color of “Death.”

Jesus said when we see these things begin to come to pass, we are to look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draws nigh, (Luke 21:28)

The world is living in the Days of Noah, and our morals are reflecting Sodom and Gomorrah. Natural disasters, violence, destruction of innocent babies and children, wars and rumors of wars, divided governments, and relationships are increasing at an alarming rate, propelling us all toward Armageddon.

The technology we all depend on is ready for the “Big Hack” that will disrupt the world’s finances and throw us into martial law. Is this what the leaders of Russia, Iran, Turkey, China, and others are relying on to cripple America?

Regardless of what the future holds for America and the world, are you willing to depend upon Jesus Christ if you should suffer imprisonment and torture by UN troops in a FEMA Camp? Who will you turn to if your freedom, employment, property, and finances are taken away? Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ as your Creator if you die under a One World Dictator?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, and all who call upon Him will be saved by obeying His teachings. Make that decision now while you still have time. (Hebrews 13:8, Romans 10:13)

“If thou has run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherin thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” (Jeremiah 12:1-6)

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)

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