Irish-Cherokee on Warpath against Demonic Deception

You may have noticed that my posts recently have been more oriented toward the hidden agenda of the Occult, with the demonic associations with New Age teachings, and how they are deceiving us into alienating ourselves from Jesus Christ. There is a reason for this, and that is the purpose of today’s post. I have become angry with Satan’s deceptive ways, as he leads people astray from what is right into what is wrong. I have my Irish ire stirred up over watching the Truth of God’s Word being taken out of context by so many branches of communications promoting the Bible as fable and Jesus Christ as nothing more than a great teacher or a ‘medium’. Jesus is very real to me and when you besmirch Him it is like touching my wife or my children or my grandchildren. Not smart….

I grew up with suicidal parents who, fortunately, found the Lord in my senior year of high school. I also found my personal experience with my Lord Jesus Christ at this time. This personal relationship has kept me for over 49 years now. This doesn’t mean that my life has been without problems, ‘au contraire’. I went through some hurtful experiences with minister friends and officials. The personal relationship with Jesus is what has kept my faith in God, not in His people, but in God. He is why I am able to type this post today.

cloud over head

I have been hurt as Zechariah prophesied about Jesus, “I received these wounds in the house of my friends”. The wounds from the ministers and officials were major disappointments for me. I looked up to them as ones who had found the personal relationship with Christ in a deeper way than the one sitting in the pew. These formed a ‘cloud’ over my head, which I was made aware of by being prayed over by another preacher while at a minister’s meeting. He laid his hands on my head and said, “Father show him what great things he needs to suffer for you.” This was disconcerting enough, then he came back and prayed these words also, “Father make him willing to suffer”. When I asked him what he meant by those prayers, he said, “I don’t know what it means. I just saw a ‘dark-cloud’ over your head.” He wouldn’t expound on it anymore and moved away to pray with others. I had no clue at the time as to why this man of God would single me out to express these words, by direction of the Lord, in prayer over me. I spent the next three decades figuring out what the ‘dark-cloud’ was all about.

The ‘dark cloud’ grew in size and volume and burst with the persecution I endured in Africa by one national man who was able to make my life a living hell. When I was brought before the Minister for the Southern Region of the country, reporting directly to the president, and threatened with imprisonment in an African jail, that was the breaking point. But it was not the emptying of the ‘dark cloud’.

I had suffered with Malaria, wishing that I was dying; was spied on in Ethiopia and Malawi; had a gang of twelve thieves try to break into our house; saw my son G bitten by a rabid dog; saw my daughter T cut her leg open on a exposed dirty water pipe that took forever to heal (she still has the scar today); saw my son N almost die from ingestion of poison; saw my wife hospitalized with an insulin reaction; saw my son G stir up a nest of over 50,000 African Honey Bees (one dog was stung to death and the houseboy was stung once, everyone else escaped injury or death); the kids and I escaped a leopard; my son N escaped a Black Mamba snake in a woodpile; the family escaped a Green Mamba on a trail; and I escaped a Witchcraft curse, among many other events.

Stateside, I saw my sister die when she was 37 years old of stomach cancer, my dad die of pneumonia, and my mom die from a stroke with dementia, and of course the ‘death’ of several marriages. I also was T-boned at a four-way stop intersection and thought I was going to die for sure, as I stared into the car coming straight at me at 50 mph. I had enough time to shout, “In Jesus Name!” and then the cars connected and I was spun in a circle and over to the side of the road. I was shaken up but alive and all right. I had an heat-stroke this past summer, passing out several times, thinking I was going to meet my Maker (It took the squad 45 minutes to arrive).

The first marriage, I asked God for permission and He reprimanded me, but released me for the divorce. I watched as this did great damage to my three children, which has caused them some problems in their own personal lives and their walk with God. I was in church, searching for rest and healing from all my ‘dark-cloud’ experiences, when I met the second wife, who was eight years older than me and provided the mommy figure for soothing my wounds (I was closer to my mom than my dad. Mom was warm and gave hugs and Dad was harsh and demanding). This marriage lasted for two years, when we both realized that we should never have been together. The third wife I met through work, and she was my soul-mate for 19 years, until she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that changed her whole personality, causing her to act withdrawn toward my children and myself. She went into a deep depression, with suicidal thoughts, and not being able to function at work. She asked for a divorce three times before I granted it, just trying to ease her pain and bring her some happiness. She later had a botched brain operation to remove the cyst, leaving her with part of her brain dysfunctional, and in a nursing home, only remembering a few people. I was content to stay unmarried for the rest of my life, but that was not meant to be. My current wife charmed me with her deep brown eyes and Irish smile, and I was hooked from the first meet-and-greet, that lasted seven hours. I will tell more about Irish Rose later. Let me just say here that God spoke to me while I was running the sweeper in my apartment one day, “J is my gift to you”. (J keeps my typos and misspellings doctored, as part of her gift; she has been many others.)

angry preacher

One of the reasons I sought God for the first divorce was over a man of God missing the mark, while he was trying to impress another preacher with just how spiritual he was. He must have been having a low self-esteem day that day, or something. He missed the purpose of the meeting and became very angry, slamming his hand down on his desk, scaring the blue-bean out of me. I walked out of that meeting with enough dejection to sink the Titanic. God saw my heart and reluctantly granted the ‘release’ from my first marriage. The ‘dark-cloud’ was pouring down over me then, but it was not yet finished with me.

My third wife and I were able to run a motel together, which turned out to be a time of healing for my boys and myself, as they moved in with us and we joined the local YMCA. This gave us many good years of bonding as father and sons, bringing some healing to the wounds of the first divorce. My daughter T also made many visits with her children. It was like we were family again and it was good for all of us. My wife became like a mother to the boys and helped them with many things in regards to school and issues they were facing. I am forever grateful for these years. I was very happy here, with a good wife and the love of my kids and grandchildren, involved in the ministry and Bible Studies, while thoroughly enjoying my secular job. My work was like having my own little congregation, as they became like family, numbering from 12 to 25. I had many opportunities to pray with quite a few of the staff.

During this time I was active in the ministry with a local church and even started meetings of my own in a rented hall, while I was working full-time acting as an area manager overseeing several motels. I then received an invitation to manage a regional motel with the title of Regional Manager. I consulted with the kids and the wife and all agreed that it would be a good move to make. I referred the few people coming to my meetings to other churches that I fellowshipped with and made the move eight hours away from home. I flew home on weekends or made the drive, whichever the schedule allowed. Big mistake! I was there two months when the company sold, and I and my boss ended up with a pink-slip. There went regional management and there went $50,000.00 a year, fluttering to the ground with my broken dreams.

Life was very difficult after this, resulting in my wife losing her job when her company sold her property, and both of us looking for new management positions elsewhere. We bounced around for awhile with another company, ending up at different properties in different cities, letting our house go back to the bank for financial reasons, and switching career fields. In the new field of apartment management we ended up working for the same company, only to see it sell after five years of employment. I have had three careers now: the ministry and motel and apartment management. I was burned out in the ministry and questioning what I believed about the doctrine and the legalistic nature of the organization, as well as its inability to show the unconditional love without judgement that my Lord has shown me.

I continued to officiate funerals and hold Bible Studies, while praying for people as God led me to them, many times one-on-one. I continued to experience God’s presence and knew that He loved me, but I could not understand what my purpose was after Africa. I have always said that Africa was my Mandate and everything else has just revolved around that successful establishment of a foreign mission work.

I was trained for the ministry but not for the secular world, so all of these companies selling and leaving me unemployed took their toll on me. I have lost my zeal for a career, knowing that after I put my heart and soul into a job, they just sell or retire and I have to look for another job all over again. I have worked 50 different jobs since I was old enough to throw bales of hay up onto a wagon. These were all outside the ministry. I was supported by the church full-time, without a need to work a secular job, for a total of seven years. I am retired now, and strange enough, through the encouragement of my daughter, wife and others, I am starting to find this Blogging business my new ministry.

old man by books

As stated at the beginning of this post, I have become angry over watching and hearing the Name of Jesus Christ trampled upon. I have become lackadaisical, with too many distractions and traumatic events in my life, to really tune into how serious these attacks on Christ and His Word have become. With the last two months of blogging I begun to realize just how much Jesus Christ has meant to me and how many miraculous events He has performed in my personal life, as well in the lives of my children and others. The more posts that I post the more renewed in my passion and faith I become. Blogging has become my new identity as Insightful Old Man.

In the study of the agenda of the New World Order and just how close we are to World War III in the Middle East, I have stumbled upon many Occultic ties behind all these Secret Societies, such as the Illuminati, Free Masons, Bilderbergers, and how all the hype of the New Age teachings are nothing more than demonic lies. The deception that is being spread throughout the world today through these teachings are being swallowed by the populace as if they were partaking of the best thing since sliced bread! The damage that is being done to the society of our country and world would make my grandparents roll over in their graves. I come into contact with so many who are medicating the wounds of their souls with the placebos offered by demons transformed as angels, that it has gotten my Irish up to do something about it.

So with my many years of experience with Witchcraft and praying over those who are demon obsessed, harassed, oppressed, and possessed; while experiencing many years of dark clouds over my own head, knowing what emotional pain is about, and after watching others suffer abuse in one form or another, and becoming concerned about the loss of freedom in my country, and angry about my Savior being made into something that is nothing like Him, I have broadened the purpose of this Blog to exposing the deceptions of Satan and his ministers of darkness.

If you are reading this and feel that you have walked under a ‘dark cloud’, I would like to hear from you. I will be happy to offer any advice that I can, while I uphold you in intercessory prayer before Jesus Christ, asking Him to cover you with His blood and give you restoration with healing in your soul, as He has done for myself and many others.

One thing that I was incorrectly taught was ‘that God does not hear sinners’. Now think about it. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. If He knows all and sees all and is everywhere present at the same time, how can He not hear sinners? It is true that sin causes our conscience to convict us of wrong (when we allow it) and leave us with guilt and shame. These, in turn, cause us to withdraw from fellowship with God – but He still hears us. We do the same with our own children when they do things that we do not approve of, they are still our sons and daughters. We may have to practice some tough love from time to time, but we still love them, being mindful of their needs. Our Heavenly Father loves you more than your earthly parents ever could. He always hears you. He heard me in my years of searching for clarification on the duality of Christians and unbelievers, turning my ‘dark-cloud’ into white puffy ones as I understand more and more about the demonic influences upon the ills of society, and how we as individuals attract the wrong spiritual powers through our rebellion and self-serving ways.

This is what I hope to share in my posts from henceforth: the hidden demons masquerading as angels of light in mediums, spirit guides, ascended masters, energy orbs, and many other lies from hell, clothed as New Age Enlightenment. Fasten your seat belts. The Cherokee is on the warpath!

im cherokee don't make me mad

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