God’s Music is in You!

Job 38:7 says that when God created the universe and the angels saw everything: they sang for joy!

Revelation 5:8-11 says that the 24 elders sing a ‘New Song’ when Jesus begins to reclaim the earth for a kingdom of priests and kings to reign with Him.

Don Piper in his book, “90 Minutes in Heaven” describes hearing music in heaven as being a part of the music itself.

“I stood still, and yet I felt embraced by the sounds.”

He says the most amazing sound was the sound made by the wings of angels. They had a holy melody and a cadence that never seemed to stop. It was as the swishing of their wings was a form of never-ending praise.

Many Near Death Experiences speak about how they experience light, sound, sight, hearing and even taste in greater intensity than ever possible on earth.

David understood how music brought heaven down to earth.

When Saul was troubled by a demonic spirit, David played his lyre, and the evil spirit departed from Saul for a season. (I Samuel 16:23)

As King of Israel, David appointed singers to continually praise the Lord, especially when they went into battle. Their singing and playing of musical instruments were so intense and powerful that a ‘Cloud’ would hover over the heads of the congregation as they worshipped and the enemy would take flight. (II Chronicles 5:13, 7:6, 29:25-28)

Psalm 148:1-14 says that even the planets praise the Lord!

Scientists have found that the Sun does indeed make music. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/singing/singing.html

Even here on earth, every tree and plant sings its unique kind of music. https://upliftconnect.com/music-of-the-plants/

Your body makes music via every cell. http://www.unimedliving.com/music/the-science-of-music/singing-cells-science-and-the-music-of-the-human-body-part-2.html

Satan has taken music and degraded it to sounds that can damage the brain as well as the soul. He knows the power of music as heaven’s former choir director. He takes everything good from God and distorts it into something very bad and evil. Just think about the lyrics of many songs today, most of which never come close to glorifying God as our Creator.

Don Campbell wrote the book, “The Mozart Effect.” He and others have proven that certain Mozart music can improve health, memory, and can heighten awareness of the spiritual areas of the brain.

What if God has designed man to be a ‘singing image’ of Himself?

The male Palm Cockatoo in Northern Australia and New Guinea breaks a twig from a tree, then shapes it into a drumstick. The bird selects a hollow log with a preferred resonance and then holding the stick with its foot, drums on the log as part of its courtship ritual.

Music is found in all cultures of the world. Music has been defined as patterns of sound varying in pitch and time produced for emotional. Social, cultural and cognitive purposes.

Humpback whales, birds, frogs, insects, plants, trees, planets, stars, and human cells all make music for the Creator.

“The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies perform the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech (music); night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard (heard by human ears) from them.  Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” Psalm 19:1-4)

“There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.” (I Corinthians 14:10)

How many times have you had a hymn or a praise chorus pop into your head out of nowhere? How many times have you wished you could remember all the words and not just the tune? How many times have you been awoken from sleep with a ‘song in the night?’ How many times have you wished you could carry a tune and sing?

Guess what?!

God put that song into your heart. Its tune is not without significance. It is being hampered by the veil of this fleshly body. But soon, when we are set free from this mortal body of flesh and clothed with immortality like Jesus, we shall sing in true harmony with the angels and all of creation!

Today there are many voices clamoring for attention, and the result is total discord and discomfort to the soul.

But in heaven, all those different voices and sounds will blend into perfect harmony as pure praise for the Creator of all! Our souls will soar, and we will experience the total release of all of our senses enabling us to enjoy all that God has prepared for us as His adopted children into His Kingdom of Heaven.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (I Corinthians 2:9)

God has placed His music in you with its unique sound. You can never sound like anyone else, so quit trying. You are meant to have a unique sound. You are to make your own rhythm to your God; a melody that can only come from your personal suffering and your unique trials. That sound becomes a part of God and Jesus suffers with you as you sing it back to Him.

Give thanks in every circumstance. Your thankfulness becomes a sacrifice of Praise! (I Thessalonians 5:8, Hebrews 13:15)



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